Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Day with... (from 2009)

For those of you not on Facebook, Diogo posted the following picture to both his Portuguese and English pages today, saying on the pages, respectively: "Bom dia!!! Mas afinal, quantos dias é que dura o jetlag??" (Good morning!!! But after all, how many days it lasts jetlag??) and "Jet Lag!!!! Oooooouuuuchhh it hurts."

(photo courtesy of Diogo Morgado on Facebook)

It seems maybe Diogo is adjusting to being back on Portugal time after his recent trip to Los Angeles to film an episode of "Revenge" perhaps?  (There is an eight-hour time difference between the two.)   And while thankfully jet lag isn't a always a part of his daily routine, there's no doubt his days are indeed busy, even more so now, I imagine.  

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)

In fact, back in 2009, Diogo shared his busy day with fans for a segment called "Um Dia Com" ("A Day with") on SIC TV's, "E-especial."   And so I thought for today's "Clip of the Day," we could take a look at that and see a day with Diogo, back when he was filming "Podia Acabar o Mundo" ("The World Could End.")  The always amazing Liliana was kind enough to translate this two-part segment for us, found right below each video.  

(video courtesy of SIC/

Diogo Morgado (DM): Woo! A very good morning to you all, it’s 8:35 am right now… ehhh and I am going to start what I fondly call a brick day, and why? Because if you evaluate the thickness of my packet of scenes for today… I can fondly say that it compares to a brick. So I invite you all to keep up with a not so interesting day in the works of fiction… Come with me!
DM: [affectionately greets people] Good Morning! Get me an espresso coffee ultra-fast, like flying…  This is my Red Bull! An espresso coffee to see if I shake up and wake up for the 25 scenes that will follow today and I won’t feel them! Hummm?! Breakfast I ate at home, we are living a crisis, breakfast is to be eaten at home! I just don’t have a coffee machine! Later, later, thank you! Buga, buga, bora lá! [meaning – let’s go!] Always running, always running… 
DM: A Dança do Créu (hot Brazilian dance) - I can’t believe this… 10 min to 9:00 am and a whole team stuck to a computer watching A Dança do Créu!  Look at this… my God!  How is this possible!!? 
Rui Unas: We now have two scenes together!
DM: Eh pah… yes we do!  Let’s prepare the sandwich! And what is the sandwich?! Sandwich is that we have here 25 scenes, and various action shots. Let’s go! Where is Rui? Unas??!! Unas! Let’s go to work! Let’s go buddy! (Scene rehearsal …) 
DM: After this “little morning” let’s go get lunch now, I think we deserve it! You think so too?! Okay! I have a right to this smock, as an employee, just to keep the wardrobe safe, and my glasses so I can see what I am going to eat… so… Let’s go! (…) And so… here we are at my so called lunch, salsichas enroladas em couve lombarda - sausages wrapped in savoy cabbage, and to reward the disgrace, some broccoli and vegetables just to stay cool with my conscience… nahhh you did good, you eat in a healthy way!... And a diet coke! You are not going to film me eating are you?! OUT!

(video courtesy of SIC/

Diogo: So… be very welcome to my only pause of this day, at the break of 5 scenes, and what do I do on my break?!... Contract this wonderful cast surrounding me to beautify this moment! So here we have Ana Cunha, Claudia Vieira [also Diogo's "Ambição" cstar] and Chersty, as an appanage to make this a colorful and harmony scenario. Then I contracted Alberto Magassela for the music – you can start playing, that is what I pay you for… exactly! Then in the middle of all of this just to entertain me a little. I have Rui Unas who every 3 seconds says a loose joke that allows me to stay here usually in this position… Look now what is going to happen… I am in the middle of my scene, and if you guys were not here the thing goes this way: “Ahhhhh just memorized a scene… Rui??!!” [Rui Unas entertains… ] Meanwhile, he withdraws and I get this face, in general a happy and relaxed face, what allows me to step into another scene full of strength and energy. And the break goes like this… [Rui Unas entertains] look how this is timed…. “Ohhh what’s this??!! I just passed another scene!” [Rui Unas entertains] always with music! [They all laugh a lot at Unas' jokes and dance moves…] And this is it! It’s five scenes I have for a break, and I burn my time in this comedy!
DM: And so… my friends… as you can see it’s 8:10pm, more or less 12 hours of work. I got here at dawn, and here we are… in a great early evening! So for the people at home who eventually think: “Eh pah… being an actor it’s a constant party… whatever…” here we have one example that it is not always like that! Ummmm… most of the times we have to work hard. So it was 25 scenes umm, among them I was going to a friend's funeral – I cannot say whom, you have to watch.   Ummm and that’s it, I am now packed to my – I think - deserved rest. Hope you enjoyed it, It was not too much fun or diverse, but this is my life! Stay cool, thank you and see ya! Beijinho! [Little kiss.] 

Obrigada to Liliana as always, for another great translation! Much appreciated! And I just have to say, somehow Diogo makes even jet lag look good.  :)



  1. Thank you so much for posting this! I enjoyed it very much! :)

  2. I didn't realize he went back to Portugal so soon. No wonder he's so jetlagged! Loved the clip; he does work long hours but they do have fun together or so it seems.

  3. This video was too cute! from the glasses, to the smock, to the way he greets his coworkers with kisses, he;s just adorable! Thank you Liliana for this translation and all the ones you do for us. You and Sara make a great team for us Diogo fans! Thank you for another great post for a truly great guy!

  4. Sigh he looks better jetlagged then most do at their finest. And I love the video, so nice to see how he spends his day and really seems to love what he does and enjoys it even with the running and long hours. He needs to do an updated version of this "day with" him these days for the blog lol! Great post, thanks Sara and Liliana again.

  5. He is too sweet. Too handsome. It hurts. lol

  6. I love this and have been waiting for the translation! Thank you so much, it was even better than I thought it would be :-)))) He is just adorbs, true facts!
