Wednesday, July 10, 2013

More of "The Bible" (UPDATED)

(photo courtesy of

By now, I'm sure you've all heard that NBC has picked up a "sequel" to "The Bible."  The new series will be called "A.D.: BEYOND THE BIBLE," and according to the press release:

"A.D.: BEYOND THE BIBLE begins in the dark days after Jesus’ betrayal and death. A perfect storm brews in the Holy Land, fueled by social injustice, Roman military oppression and religious unrest. High priests and the Herod dynasty vie for power. Zealot revolutionaries turn to violence to regain what they believe is their promised land. And in the face of terrible odds and brutal persecution, the small band of Jesus’ disciples stand against the combined might of Rome and their own local authorities. In a generation of rebellion, war, famine, and carnage, who can they trust? Who should they fear? Will tomorrow bring a violent death? For many, it does … but others survive, and as the storm around them breaks, the fate of Israel, of Rome and of their faith is decided."

Now, please note there has been NO mention of any cast members for the new series.  Many of you have e-mailed me asking about Diogo and Darwin being in this new series.  My opinion?  AND THIS IS JUST MY OPINION.  I have NO info or in inside scoop and will gladly admit if/when I am wrong... but based on that description above of the new series, it seems to me the character of "Jesus" would be a "cameo" or guest character at best, perhaps appearing occasionally in flashbacks.  And I do believe Roma and Mark would love to have Diogo and Darwin and the others back for the new series... but and again, this is ONLY MY OPINION, but I feel that now NBC may play a big role in that decision.  Do they have a different "vision" in mind, and also, there are other factors like actors' availability and schedules, where and when they are going to film and for how long, etc. that all comes into play for casting decisions.  Fact is, until someone makes an official announcement about the cast for the series, we just won't know for sure.  Stay tuned....

UPDATED TO ADD:  More info on the series in a brand new interview Mark Burnett gave about how the series came to land at NBC and when and where it will film, but still no news on the cast: Mark Burnett on The Bible Sequel for NBC from

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)

In the meantime, in honor of this exciting news, I thought we could take a look at back at the incredible project that started it all.... And so today's "Clip of the Day" is an interview Diogo did back in March when he was promoting "The Bible" that you may have missed, perhaps because it is in Spanish.  But it turns out our friend Liliana is tri-lingual as well as awesome, so she kindly translated this interview Diogo did with CVCLAVOZ, a Christian radio online network, for us.  You can find her translation below the video.

(video courtesy of Enlace TV/YouTube)

Joana Torrez/Interviewer (JT): Hi! How are you doing?! Welcome to this special place. I am Joana Torrez, host from CVC La Voz. At this time we are uniting with Enlace TV to bring to you this interview with Diogo Morgado, the actor who portrays Jesus and who we are going to know a little better, and also the mini-series that everyone is talking about.  Welcome Diogo Morgado!
DM: Thank you so much. Thank you so much for having me. Let me say that it has been impressive the way you all have supporting us and promoting the series. Let me thank you for that! 
JT: To tell you the truth it is a privilege and an honor to support such a great project, made with excellency. 
DM: Besides, this is the best story ever told, right?! Nothing better than The Bible, a story of love, of  Jesus passion and God, you cannot have better than that. 
JT: Of course. And a story that comes with from producers Mike Burnett and Roma Downey, who have much experience, like you who has a career of more than fifteen years, and some of your work has been internationally recognized with an Emmy award, and that says a lot. Nevertheless I can imagine that it must have been a surprise to portray Jesus…
DM: It has been a surprise that they call me just for the audition. I got so surprised that I said, “Me??!!... Seriously?! “So when they call me just to read for the character… I thought… this is too big!... But all I can do is try to share what I believe Jesus means to millions of people. So, I did it for myself and not to get the role. It’s one of those situations when you try to get the job and then you… Uh oh! I got the job! And you just panic, you know what I mean?! It’s not just a character or a script, this is something that belongs to so many people in the world, and having the responsibility of portraying that, as you can imagine…. Ufffffff…..
JT: Too much. It’s too much… A pair of very big shoes! However… there you go. Diogo’s shoes… 
DM: These are mine. 
JT: And Jesus’s shoes, how did that feel? In what specific moment did you feel them, the crucifixion –- that it was so intense… as an actor, to portray that… but tell us another scene that captivated your attention?... 
DM: Ehhh ehhh… I believe that many special things happened during the filming of this project. I can tell you that I don’t have a visual memory of many of the things, I can tell you how I was feeling. I realized that what I was feeling at the moment was real and not a premeditated thing. Part of what I tried to do with Jesus in this project, it’s a Jesus who knows who he is, he knows what to do, just doesn't know when or how. And I do believe that we live that in our own lives.  Most of the time we know who we are, what is good for us, what we have to do, but don't know the way, we don’t know how or when it is going to happen… And I believe that bringing a little bit of that to Jesus – since there is nothing in the Bible that opposes that – um, I hope people identify with and feel closer to Jesus. 
JT: Of course. We have heard about supernatural things that happened during shooting in Morocco. I want you to share some of those things with us…
DM: I tell you, a project like this touches everybody in a different way. The whole team was different ages, different nationalities, so everybody felt things in a unique way. For me there where many special things that happened with me. I can tell you that during four months of shooting, I was the only actor who didn't get sick in Morocco. Weather conditions where adverse, much cold, much heat… You can just be walking and fall due to the ground conditions, many things can happen. So not becoming ill in those four months was something special for me. Ummmm… then I… don’t know… at the cross that was something special too. It was physically demanding, very strong. I had (he asks her) tuve?? You say tuve?! (meaning "I had." She says he is right and he answers.)  Yes! Well… after this my Spanish will be awesome!  And let me tell you that for me it’s a pleasure to be talking to you guys in Spanish, because it is not my language, it’s just another one that I try to manage, but it is important, and shows the respect I have for all of you, so I beg your pardon if my Spanish is not so good, please make an effort to understand me… I am trying.
JT: You are doing it so well, I get what you are saying, the audiences get you, we support you because It must have been exhausting all these interviews, and you made them with such a will and positive attitude…
DM: Yes, that is true. When I do something it’s for good. And look, the way you all personally receive me, pfffff, I cannot ask better than that. I can live here! 
JT: Very well, whenever you wish!
DM: Okay, I am tall but I can get short If I want to! Very small! If I wrap myself like this, I can live in any corner!
JT: You see… this Jesus is one that has a very striking personality, a Jesus that was portrayed in "The Bible" as a real Jesus. As you were saying you portrayed a Jesus who all of us can relate to, the real Jesus that is in the Bible in the words of God. Which was the purpose that was told to you. The purpose "The Bible" should have?  
DM: I think that what’s good about this series, is that it has many useful purposes, you can have many interpretations. We live in a very visual world, there are many young people who do not read as much, so they want everything faster and in a visual way. That doesn't mean that they don’t care or aren't interested, it’s just that society is becoming more visual, so this is a tool that will make many people understand why is the Bible such an important book, why it did change the World, why it is such an open book until now. Then, for the ones who live everyday with the Bible, with Jesus' words, this is a new way to find another perspective, a new way to interpret the story that is alive in their lives every day. Finally, I think we live in such troubled times, we see such extreme violence, that we need something positive. Something that gives us courage and hope, and the most important message from God, to me is that we should have love and compassion for all. So, there are many positive reasons for people to watch the series. 
JT: Of course, and we all have high expectations to hear the testimonies that are going to come from "The Bible" series, that, thank God we have here and subtitled in Spanish. Diogo I so want to thank you for being here sharing your thoughts, it’s a privilege ,and we wish you much success!
DM: Thank you so much. It is a pleasure being here. 
JT: So we had here today from "The Bible" series, Diogo Morgado. (Obrigada and gracias to Liliana for another surprise, I mean translation, hee.)

Check out too this great video of Diogo during his visit to CYCLOVOZ for this interview.  He is such a great guy, so nice to everyone there.  Not surprising, I know, but awesome to see.  :)

(video courtesy of Cvclavoz/YouTube)



  1. It's so darn hard to get any work done when all I want to do is read about Diogo!! Thank you again Sara and Liliana for this wonderful Blog!!

  2. i think you can tell a lot about who a person really is just by watching his little mannerisms, expressions, movements, how he carries himself, etc. this is a very telling little video. what a sweetiecakes :-)

  3. I agree that it will be flashbacks of any filming of Diogo.............but if they follow the apostles, Peter would have to be part...and Darwin Shaw would have to play him in my opinion. My other opinion is concerned there is a continuation because Mark Burnett said in the bonus material that there "isn't going to be a season 2"...........then along comes NBC who said NO to the project originally..........I would have preferred that Roma and Mark stayed with the History Channel since that channel gave them the chance to make this beautiful series.

    1. To be fair, there are definite reasons if not perks in going with NBC. History Channel doesn't really do "series," they do specials or events like "The Bible" or "Hatfields and McCoys." NBC also opens it up to another audience, as some people still do not have basic cable as crazy as that sounds. :) NBC also has bigger marketing opportunities and could mean a bigger budget, access to people and places that might me more limited on History. I think to have a series like this on NETWORK TV is a HUGE accomplishment, and I think Roma and Mark should be proud and happy. Remember, NBC was only one of MANY who passed on "The Bible" before it became the phenomenon.... that's a common story in Hollywood.... ABC passed on CSI and American Idol in the same year and then desperately (and unsuccessfully) tried to find similar shows immediately after those became hits too.

      My point is, I think we should wait til we know more and then see the series before we assume anything. I of course truly hope Darwin is in the series. No one else can or should play Peter in my opinion, whatever network it is on!

    2. By the way, according to this article I just added to the post, History passed on the sequel:

  4. They'll probably have to cast him in some other part( the leading role of course) if he's free!

  5. Two more things I've thought of; one-does anyone have any guesses who the woman was that got into the vehicle with him? and second- I really believe Diogo is gonna win the emmy this September!

  6. Pretty sure that woman is a publicist for History Channel or just "The Bible" In one of the recent interviews, either with Vogue Portugal or GQ Portugal, he said they had a whole staff of people/publicists with them for interviews and he even said that one day he did 12 interviews in Spanish so I bet this was that day. She also looks the woman who was with him outside good morning america in that video of him signing autographs so I'd bet she is a publicist or agent.
