Thursday, July 11, 2013

Diogo on "5 Para a Meia-Noite" and in "Lux" magazine

(photo courtesy of 5 para a meia noite's Facebook)

Diogo made a brief but funny appearance on last night's "5 Para a Meia-Noite."  You can see him on the show (he's on at the very beginning) by clicking on the link below, and Liliana kindly translated it for us, found right below the link.

Diogo Morgado: Look, here’s Nuno ahah!
Nuno Markl/NM: Hi Diogo! 
DM: You okay?! All good?
NM: You okay? Are you ready?! 
DM: I am, I am… are you coming on the show too?!
NM: No, I host the show…  you are coming to my show!
DM: Aiiiiiiiii… You’re terrible! No!...  I came to see Herman, is he here?!
NM: No Herman doesn't do his show here he….
DM: Hermaaaaan!!! 
NM: No, no… listen, listen… 
DM: He is hidden! That guy! He likes to hide! What??
NM: No Herman does his show at the other studio… You are coming on my show…
DM: Your what??
NM: 5 Para a Meia-Noite… We agreed, you'd come to my show…
DM: Nahhhhhh. Nooo no no…  that is another thing! 
NM: But the other time you came to talk about the….
DM: Nooo, I came to a talk show!!! Know what I mean? 
NM: To my talk show!
DM: Naaaah. That is not a talk show, that is another thing Nuno!
NM: No it’s a talk show! I do a talk show!!
DM: Noooo Nooo no!! Nuno! Look, a talk show, a GOOD talk show… Oprah! That’s a good talk show! Yours is more… uhhh. It’s not always bad! Wednesdays are more… (indicates bad/low.)
NM: Wednesday? But Wednesday is my day! It’s today. You are coming today…
DM: Nahhh… no no… today’s not Wednesday! 
NM: It is!
DM: You’re wrong! Today’s not Wednesday! I was talking about something else…  … It’s much….  (indicates small/no quality show).  Some days it gets… (indicates better) but others…. (indicates worse) iuuuuuu.  Oi! What’s this (re: his phone)!!?? Ahhh it's not ringing but it was vibrating pretty loud!   (Answers the phone.) Hello? Yes!! Ahhhh okay, okay… Ohhh it is urgent! Okay I will go now! See ya soon, okay okay…  Look, Nuno… Eh pá! Let’s make it next time.. okay?! We are meeting now and then…
NM: But… but.. you…
DM: Calm down… Okay, It’s over… it’s over… 
NM: But this….
DM: Ssssshhhhhhh… Breathe! It’s over, okay?! Okay, now. (He kisses him and leaves.)
NM: He’s gone!!!! …. Eh pá!  Jesus would never leave a program to go see his friends!!!  He’s gone! He’s gone…. The main guest just left! 

Diogo is also featured in this week's "Lux" magazine, including some pictures from the filming of his TMN commercials.  (A translation as generously provided by Liliana can be found below its respective page of the article.)

On the 18th, Diogo Morgado will know if he is one of the nominees for the Emmy for Outstanding Leading Actor in a TV Miniseries. The handsome actor has his hands full. Besides commercials, he is shooting “Ambição,” the next series for SIC.
Diogo Morgado shoots TMN’s summer campaign at the beach, his favorite spot to be on vacation with family.  
“Like any kid, my son loves the beach and the sea.”
The actor has been pre-nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actor for his performance in the TV miniseries “The Bible.”
He is the star of the moment, and one of the most coveted actors in Portugal. Diogo Morgado was at the Malhão do Alentejo Beach, shooting TMN commercials, in which he gives life to a young a beach bar owner, which he has already been in real life. “I also had a beach bar at Costa da Caparica, so, there is much here that I recognize perfectly. I am very attached to some places and memories. People, moments that were lived in some place at some time. The background is what defines us, what truly marks us,” says Diogo Morgado.  
Coincidence or not, truth is that since the success of “The Bible," SIC's leading man has had a very busy professional agenda. The Portuguese “Jesus” is shooting “Ambição,” the next series from SIC, and still manages to spend time with family. His 3 year-old son, Santiago, is his major priority, and that’s why the weekends are totally dedicated to him. “Although I am shooting at a hectic pace, I still have some time to go to the beach. And, like any kid, my son loves the beach and the sea, ” he tells Lux.  
On the 18th, Diogo Morgado will know if he his one of the Emmy nominees for Outstanding Lead Actor for his role on “The Bible.” The pre-nomination was received with “huge pride and happiness,” but Diogo insists that if he is not one of the nominees, he won’t be disappointed.  “At the age of 15, I never thought I would be an actor, and, at 32, the last thing I would have thought was to be nominated for an Emmy. It's maybe a once in a lifetime thing. I am from that stubborn breed who continues to be proud of Portugal,” the actor reassures, and shows that the ambition to embrace an international career is not a priority. 
(Article courtesy of Lux.  Text by Joana Côrte Real and Photos by TMN.)

Obrigada to Liliana for the translations, as always!




  1. Notice how he emphasizes "dedicating his weekends to his son" but not the wife?

  2. With respect, my guess is that's because of comments just this one lol. He has said repeatedly that, she, his partner does not like to be mentioned or seen in the press, so why would he mention her? His son was mentioned to make the point that like all kids, he loves the beach. Sorry don't mean to be rude, but I think we should be respecting and not analyze every word Diogo does or does not say. Just my opinion. :)

  3. Well he repeatedly says "my family" so to me that is mentioning his wife/girlfriend. But who cares? That video was HILARIOUS. His expressions are awesome and I like the new beard with the short hair haha! And those pictures! PLEASE TMN! Release the other commercials and a making of video ASAP! Thanks Sara for the post and Liliana for the translation!

  4. No disrespect intended! I'm very respectful of Diogo and his family as well as all the fans.
