Saturday, June 8, 2013


So it seems there is no medium Diogo hasn't done, and done well, to boot.... obviously, with "The Bible" he mastered the miniseries... but we've also seen him excel at modeling, and we've seen him shine in theater.

He's does too many TV series to mention here, but they include an Emmy award winning drama AND sketch comedy.

He's done movies too -- from short films to a full-length bio pic as the former president of Portugal.    And let's not forget his work as a filmmaker behind the scenes.  Diogo even provided the voice of a character for a "Harry Potter" video game.  

But for today's "Clip of the Day," I wanted to share something else Diogo has done... commercials.  Specifically, two commercials he did for two very different products.... technology and cat food.  :)

First up, here's a commercial he did with Daniel Olivera (from "Alta Definição") for "ZON Fibra" (an internet/cable provider.)  Even without a translation, I bet some of you will still being saying, "where do I sign up?" :)

(ZON Fibra "Diogo Morgado" from Victor Castro on Vimeo.)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)

Finally, here's an interview with some behind the scenes footage of a cat food commercial in which Diogo provides the voice of the cat!  Liliana was kind enough to translate this interview for us, which you will find below the clip.

(video courtesy of Diogomorgadofans/YouTube)

Andreia Rodrigues/AR: Margarida Vilanova and Diogo Morgado got together for a very special dubbing. She is the owner. He is the cat!
AR: Sooo Diogo… [Diogo: Meowww] Are you going to meow a lot?
DM: I am going to meow a lot! Gonna meow a little… Enough so they give me a nice dinner!
AR: Do you like voiceovers?
DM: Yeah! Especially this thing… I mean… a cat! It's fun, right?! We do not play a cat every day. The owner does what the cat wants, so… [changing his tone] something more… I don’t know…
AR: Your owner is Margarida!
DM: Owner! [Starts singing a related song…]
AR: Now you are really in a cat mood [Diogo meowww], I have to ask this: Do you like someone to stroke your fur?
DM: Like it! I like it a lot… who doesn't, right?! And in general, after the fur stroking, is when we purr and we stay like purrrrrrrrrrrr…… 

Obrigada Liliana for the translation.... and have a great weekend, everybody!  



  1. Replies
    1. Ahahhahaha

      If he could have another one? He could... But it wouldn't be the same thing! Lol

  2. Ronconar. WOW a new word for my vocabulary. It's a cool word ronconar, yeah.

  3. This was adorable!!!! Gave me a good laugh!!! Wish I could see the entire commercial!!!! :) Thank you, Sara for posting and Liliana for the translation!!! :) And to Diogo..thank you for just being YOU!!!!! ♥

  4. adorbs! he clearly knows his kitties :-) i've also seen him in a shampoo commercial but i don't remember where - there may be a commercial reel on youtube that has that and the one for ZON Fibra. this was a great post, thanks so much to you both :-)

  5. One of the things I love most about this blog is discovering these fun little surprises that I otherwise would never have known about. I don't think any amount of Google searches would have uncovered this, so thank you as always for sharing!

    Purrrrrrrrrrrrr :)

    1. Awww... This means a lot to me, thank you. It is one if things I really try to do with the blog. Thank you! :)
