Monday, June 10, 2013

Everybody Skate!!! (from 2008)

(image courtesy of

Today's "Clip of the Day" comes from a segment that SIC TV's E-Especial did with Diogo "practicing" for an upcoming scene from his 2008 SIC series, "Podia Acabar o Mundo" ("The World Could End.")  He gets a little help from his young co-star, Afonso Lopes, who played his son in the series.  Liliana translated this very fun clip for us, found below the clip/link.

(video courtesy of SIC/SAPO)

Click here to watch the video if it does not play automatically.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)

"Reporter/Sofia Fernandes: Diogo learned rollerblading in a perfect way due to “Podia Acabar o Mundo” [Diogo: Podia Acabar o Mundo] shooting with Filipe Gaidão (roller hockey player on skates) full of tips!... or maybe NOT!
Sofia: You look so professional Diogo!...
DM: (laughs) Look Sofia, honestly, I understand you want to be my friend, but right now, under these conditions, professional is the last word you can use about me! Impossible! Professional is this guy (Filipe Gaidão) and this (re: Afonso) little trouble here too!
Sofia: What was more fun for you? Rollerblading, or watching Diogo fall down?
Afonso Lopes: Watching Diogo fall down was the funniest part!
DM: Four problems here! Two feet and two skates!
Filipe Gaidão: He is doin’ great!
DM: I can tell you that me, Diogo, am more proud of Filipe as an actor than I am of me as a rollerblader!
Filipe Gaidão: Ohhh this kid?! Every time he comes here to shoot, I make sure he falls!
Afonso: He puts the stick right at the skates and I just fall my bum on the floor!
DM: I am sweating not because of the effort, but for the panic of falling myself!
Sofia: He rides so well on his rollerblades, so well…
DM: (to the Cameraman) No no no no put it up! Just above the waist like this!"

Obrigada Liliana for the translation!  Oh and another little cool tidbit about "Podia Acabar o Mundo"...  Diogo's co-star Joana Seixas (pictured above with Diogo and Afonso) also starred with him in 2010's "Lua Vermelha" ("Red Moon"), where she played "Verónica" to Diogo's vampire character, "Artur."

And proving it is even a smaller world, the roller hockey professional teaching Diogo how to skate in the clip,  Filipe Gaidão, is actually currently competing on Portuguese's version of "Splash" -- the celebrity diving show co-hosted by Diogo's good friend/frequent co-star Rui Unas -- AND it is also the show that César Mourão recently asked for Diogo's help with during Portugal's Golden Globes.



  1. Which is more fun to watch in this video? Watching Diogo fall down of course hahaha poor butt! Diogo you are such a clown ,so funny!

  2. ohmygosh, that was sooooo funny!!! i actually thought he WAS skating around the interviewer - the ending was hilarious :-D :-D :-D
