Friday, June 21, 2013

Say cheese!

Since yesterday's post was all about pictures of Diogo, I thought it might be cool if today's post was about Diogo stepping behind the lens to be the one TAKING pictures. 

So, today's "Clip of the Day" comes from July 2012, when Diogo appeared on the RTP1 show, “Cinco Sentidos” ("Five Senses") to discuss "Portugal, O Melhor Destino" ("Portugal, the Best Destination") a campaign for which he was an appointed "ambassador."  "Portugal, O Melhor Destino" was a nationwide project that asked all Portuguese to unite to show that Portugal is a prime tourist destination by taking and submitting pictures that showed their pride and patriotism.  

In just two months, the project gathered 77,053 images from nearly 15,000 people all around Portugal.  These images were then put together to create one of the biggest photo albums in the world.  Diogo was one of those proud Portuguese who submitted pictures for the photo album, which he discusses in the clip below.  Our friend Lou da Gama translated this fun interview that shows us yet another talent of Diogo's, and you can find that translation right below the video.

(video courtesy of RTP1/

"Reporter: If you are proud to be Portuguese, then you just have to join the world's largest photo album. For this you just have to pick a camera and show why our country is the best destination. (to Diogo) You are an ambassador of this cause. You said yes right away (to the invitation), because you’re proud to be Portuguese.
DM: I’m proud. I’m very proud to be Portuguese. I think that what we lack is us having the notion that we are truly valuable, and good, and unique. And we are a people who are rare to find.
Reporter: I'm going to ask you to take some photographs to test your quality as a photographer. Can you?
DM: Okay! Do you want me to use this camera? This camera of low quality that you brought?
Reporter: This is weak! This is weak!
DM: It is. But I can use it. Come on! Give it to me! I'm entering the site essentially to understand the extent to which the campaign is reaching out to people, and obviously I will be curious about the comments that people will eventually make upon the photos that I take.
Reporter: You will also be able to vote. You can’t vote for yours, can you?
DM: I can’t? Why can’t I vote for my photographs? I will only vote for mine! I’m kidding.
Reporter: What do you like best to shoot?
DM: Look! I essentially enjoy photographing people. I love photographing faces and situations.
Reporter: Paparazzi!
DM: A little bit. Maybe I would be a perfect paparazzo. In this event, in this campaign, my participation is going to be a more active participation. I set out to do exactly that. I will travel from the north to the south of the country photographing the Portuguese people, which I think it is what we have to be proud of most… our Portuguese spirit." (Thank you, Lou for this translation!)

Some of you may recall the beautifully cinematic film Diogo is speaking of that he did for this project, "Eu sou Portugal" ("I am Portugal.") But if you have not seen it, take a look to see what a truly beautiful country and amazing destination Portugal is.

Here also is one of the pictures Diogo took for the photo album, in fact, he was one of the very people to send in their picture:

(photo by Diogo Morgado courtesy of

And finally, I wanted to combine the best of both worlds here by sharing pictures of Diogo taking pictures, hee.

(screencaps of “Cinco Sentidos” done by me)

(photos courtesy of

And just because this screencap (from the video above) of a smiling Diogo so perfectly expresses just how happy I am that today is Friday, I had to share it. J  Have a great weekend everybody.




  1. I will hire Diogo as my personal! Love it! It is really fun taking pictures, and sharing it to the whole world! Beautiful post Sara! Happy Friday everyone!

  2. Ohhhh and don't forget to bring your cameras when you come!

    You will take lots lots lots of pics here... =)

    Come to Portugal, we are waiting with arms wide open!

    TY Sara an Lou! <3

  3. i'm ready to hop on a plane. this was a fun post and i love seeing his skills as a photog :-)

  4. Lisbon, my hometown, was elected the 4th Most Beautiful City in the World By “Urban City Guides”. Oh yes! Absolutely!

  5. and Lisbon was elected the 4th city with the most handsome men in the world by a few. Do you need more reasons to visit???

    PS: I actually find Ronaldo very ugly :/.
