Sunday, June 16, 2013

Diogo on the set of "Ambição" from "E-Especial" (May 2013)

SIC's E-especial recently visited Diogo on the set of his upcoming series, "Ambição," soon after he returned from the US, to chat with him about the success of "The "Bible" and playing "Jesus."  You can see the interview by clicking on the link below, and then go to the 18:23 mark to see a "blue-eyed" Diogo (for his character, "Eduardo" in the series.)  Our friend Lou Da Gama sent us a translation of the quick interview, along with some great screen caps from it, which you can find below the link to the video.

Click here to see Diogo as "Eduardo" on the set of "Ambição" (go to the 18:23 mark.)

Diogo: "I felt very happy [for being chosen to play Jesus] but also scared and in a panic. It's a character of great responsibility. I don't consider it a character. It's a figure that belongs to many people. More than a privilege, it was a personal and unique adventure.

I don't know what the reaction here was [in Portugal]. I just heard it from my parents. In the US it was an explosion. Nobody was expecting it, the channel itself and the producers were not expecting that explosion and the reaction, which was really good, very positive.

For me, one of my biggest pleasures was to hear people like Oprah asking about Portugal and to tell them first hand what is Portugal, what it is to be Portuguese and what's going on here. I felt proud. I felt [like] a Rosa Mota, a Carlos Lopes [both Portuguese  runners who were winners at the Olympic Games], a Cristiano Ronaldo [a famous Portuguese soccer player] or a Mourinho [a famous Portuguese soccer coach.]  I swear I really felt that. It was something I wasn't expecting, to feel the responsibility of being almost an ambassador. Because from the moment you have people who are known worldwide asking about your country and you can say first hand what you truly feel, you know that every word you say will have a very different importance from what it would have if you were with a friend talking about the country. So, that responsibility was something that I embraced with both arms."

(screencaps from "E-especial" courtesy of Lou da Gama)

Obrigada Lou for the translation and the screen captures.  Much appreciated, as always!




  1. Great screen captures!! Thank´s Lou and Sara!

    I think Eduardo will be a breath of refreshing air...


  2. The blue eyes are cool, but I prefer the brown ones.

    1. yes I think his brown hair and brown eyes are just beautiful and I hope he never changes that. He is a breath of fresh air cant wait to see him take over hollywood the men are gonna hate, brad pitt, johnny depp will have to step aside cause diogo is way better looking than any of them!!!! from kira_kira1964 twitter acct.

  3. oh my gosh, blue eyes and red hair. holy cats. i don't think i can bear it. swoooon! although yes, i do like the original better.
