Thursday, May 23, 2013

Pictures of Diogo filming "Ambição" thanks to Darwin Shaw

The ever amazing Darwin Shaw tweeted pictures of Diogo filming "Ambição" today!  

First Darwin tweeted: "On set watching @D_Morgado doing his stuff in Lisbon."   After fans tweeted Darwin back asking for pictures, he tweeted "Ok everybody here you go! Rehearsal."

Then "Behind the magic" --


"Action" --

(all photos courtesy of @DarwinShaw)

Thank you, Darwin for all of these awesome photos!

I have to say, I think their's is one of my favorite bromance ever.  Someone needs to write a buddy film for these two, stat. 

Oh and if you aren't already, you really should follow Darwin on Twitter at @DarwinShaw and on his official Facebook page.



  1. This is awesome! What a different look!

    What a great bromance!

  2. yes, a buddy flick should definitely be in their future :-D i don't suppose there are any writers in our happy little group...?

  3. Bromances happend!! Lol Thank's Darwin and Sara!

    Great pics! Great blog!

    Love. Liliana.

  4. I agree Stephanie,they should have a project for Diogo and Darwin.I want something comedy for them. Thank you Sir Darwin :) and Sara thank you for posting it here.:)
