Friday, May 24, 2013

Diogo and Darwin Interviewed on the Red Carpet

(image courtesy of SIC)

New video of Diogo and Darwin at Portugal's Golden Globes can be found via the link from Sapo posted below.  Specifically, check it out at around the 7:46 mark to see Diogo and Darwin being interviewed on the Golden Globes' Red Carpet.... and find a translation of the interview below the link, thanks to Liliana (who I am so happy is back!) 

Click here (and go to 7:46) to see Diogo and Darwin's Interview on the Red Carpet 

Ricardo Pereira: This is pure joy…  We have to congratulate Diogo Morgado!!
Diogo: Ohhh not just me, but also Darwin Shaw!
Ricardo Pereira: Introduce us to your friend!
Diogo: For those who saw “The Bible,” Darwin was my mate, Jesus' mate, Peter. I think you all remember him.  It was an amazing series, I’m thankful for all who saw it… So sorry about my voice! 
Ricardo Pereira: It was for Benfica I am sure! (Note: There was a big football game that night, the two biggest teams in Portugal -- Benfica and Porto.)
Diogo Morgado: Uhhhh let’s not talk about that Ricardo! Let’s not talk about that! I am really so happy  about being back…
Sofia Cerveira: Diogo… there’s no red carpet like this one, right?
Diogo: No there’s not! This is the party of the year! This is where people feel happy showing their work, that is done in our country. And I could never miss it! I never have! I am very happy to be here with you guys, especially my friends!  (Note: the other two people with Diogo and Darwin were Diogo's co-stars in "Laços de Sangue.")

I know I sound like a broken record, but I love seeing Diogo and Darwin together on TV.  The obvious, genuine respect between them as actors AND friends is so darn refreshing and awesome.

In case you missed it, check out even more of Diogo and Darwin at Portugal's Golden Globes -- including Diogo presenting an award, and a funny clip of Diogo and Darwin in the audience.

Obrigada Liliana, as always, for the translation.  And have a great weekend, everybody!




  1. Diogo and Darwin...Got to love that duo. Changing the world together both on screen and off screen. Love you guys. Thanks for that one Sara.

  2. Just a reminder, as I state in the FAQ located at the top left of this blog, I will not post about Diogo's private life AND I will delete comments I feel cross that line. Also, due to way too many spam comments, I have to turn on word verification for when you comment to prevent "bots"spammers from flooding with comments. Thank you as always for your understanding, Sara.

  3. I love these two guys! Thanks Sara for another great post!

  4. Hi Sara! It's me... MJM, from the gmail :)
    Stopped by to say I was here...
    Keep up the good work here on the blog!
    Greetings from Portugal

  5. Hi MJM! Thanks for stopping by! :) Greetings from Los Angeles though I do wish I was visiting lovely Portugal instead! :) Thanks as always for your kind words! Take care, Sara

  6. I hope you can come and visit us someday. We would be delighted to welcome you in this country that is already a bit yours! :)

    1. Okay that is one of the nicest things ever... thank you! My husband and I definitely plan to visit someday and I look forward to meeting you all! :)

  7. Looking forward to see Darwin,Diogo,and the rest of the cast of the Bible at the Emmy's,and who knows Golden Globe (here) and Oscars..:)
