Monday, May 13, 2013

NEW Interview with Diogo from Luxembourg

Diogo was in Luxembourg this past weekend, where he attended a dinner at the invitation of the owner of Brasserie Chez Ana Paula in Rollingergrund.  Also at the dinner was director Ruben Alves whose latest film, "La Cage Dorée" ("The Golden Cage") was screened in Luxembourg on Saturday.  Diogo attended the screening, tweeting a picture from it, and calling "La Cage Dorée," a "beautiful and unique movie of Ruben Alves. Outstanding!!! Grande filme." (You can see the trailer for "La Cage Dorée" here.)

Also while in Luxembourg, Diogo sat down to chat with BOMDIA Luxemburgo, and you can see his interview below, followed by a translation from @Msliliana:

(video courtesy of BOMDIA Luxemburgo/YouTube)

"Diogo Morgado: Empathy for the immigrants it’s huge.....

Question: How did the opportunity to make “The Bible” come about?

Diogo Morgado: Funny, because the first question that people ask me in Portugal is that one –- how did that opportunity come out?  And I say, like any other else in the acting world -- there was casting and they made a natural selection. I think people in Portugal are not so used to the American format. American Culture has its own characteristics, obviously has its flaws, but also many good things, has virtues that should be copied, like this project. Americans are not so interested about your background, or where do you come from. Since you are the one for the part, they will hire you. It’s funny, because Americans never ask me that! Portuguese always do!

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)

Question: Was the success of “The Bible” expected? 

Diogo Morgado: The series aired on cable TV (History Channel), and it’s common knowledge that these channels do not usually have huge audiences, but this series did. In the past, their series “Hatfields & MacCoys” with Kevin Costner, had huge success and they expected this one to have as much success, but didn't expect it to be exceeded. I think there are various factors that contributed to the success of “The Bible” -- obviously its religiousness, and the USA is a very religious country too, which was very important. Then, the producer is well known from other very successful shows.  He knows how to manage things so the people get to know he is working on new projects. There are marketing strategies that Americans have that are proven to be very effective.

Question: How did you prepare yourself for "Jesus?”

Diogo Morgado: In my research, I saw many movies with the Jesus figure, and always had the feeling that Jesus was always portrayed as being “above” humans, common mortals… And The Bible says that Jesus was 100% the son of God, but 100% human, had a human condition. So I always thought - from the viewpoint of the viewer – that it was a bit unfair to have the “direct channel with God” and not be subject to a deprivation – that we all are subject to every day – and I went more through that perspective. At the time, that was a surprise for the producers, but with the rehearsals and filming, we were definitely going that way, and it's one of the things I am so proud of! Give the perspective of a Jesus, who does not know what is going to happen, does not know how he is going to die… for example, the scene were Jesus raises Lazarus, He is almost surprised and emotional, because He did that. He never doubts it, but nevertheless is an extraordinary miracle to bring someone back to life. That is almost a rejoice of what will be the revelation of God – Earth. I tried to put in those little details, and feel very happy that the American press featured that, and I hope that contributed to the success of the series.

Question: Future projects?

Diogo Morgado: I love what I do. Here or in China I will always do what I love, since I feel that I am contributing to tell a better story, I will not accept something that at first won’t make much sense, but my priority always will be good stories and not the international market. Between a good series in Portugal and a reasonable series in the US, I will always choose a good series in Portugal. That is why we are already filming the new series for SIC -- “Ambição" – there is a very curious character, who will surprise people, especially after “Jesus." That is my priority. There are two movies I filmed before “The Bible” that will air after “The Bible” this year, called "Red Butterfly” and “Born to Race.” Most people probably do not know I did those… so, that’s it for now.

Question: Are you the new “Joaquim de Almeida?”

Diogo Morgado: Each person has its own individuality, own course, and way of being and thinking. I accept the compliment -- as I take it that way -– but I do not feel like “a Joaquim de Almeida.” I feel like he did, a Portuguese actor, who does his best.

Question: Who are Diogo Morgado Fans?

Diogo Morgado:  I’ve worked since I was 15, and until I decided what I wanted to do as an actor, I experimented in doing many things. I did “Teatro de Revista”, “Malucos do Riso”, I’ve been at Teatro Maria Vitória as I did in Teatro Nacional, I tried to explore, tested myself, to understand what was going on inside me, in a broader spectrum. People know me from the Series/Novels, others from other works, so I think that, that might be the reflection from the crazy things I did in my career. I think that, that is the way. Now, what I didn´t expect, and realized that here in Luxembourg, I feel that with “The Bible,” the Portuguese community identified with a lot, and that was something I never experienced until now. They feel a need to get in contact with me and say, “We are happy, we are proud.”  More that the character of “Jesus,” they feel empathy for the immigrant, someone who goes out of Portugal and succeeds. And that I feel, that reply from the Portuguese community, that I didn't know before. There’s a new perspective I am experiencing, that makes me happy, and I give now even more value to those who get out of Portugal and succeed."

Obrigada Liliana again and again, for another translation.

And finally, be sure to check out the latest pictures  posted on the Diogofanfriends Facebook Page to see even more of Diogo's visit to Luxembourg.  Thanks!



  1. Thanks again to the amazing Liliana for translating this interview so quickly. There is SO MUCH I want to comment on about this interview that I am walking away from the computer before I write a novel here LOL. Hope you are all having as good a Monday as Monday can be!

  2. My pleasure amiga Sara! I knew the fans would be anxious to know what was said in this interview, so did it with joy!

    And I understand how much you have to say about the content to this interview. =) Diogo Morgado’s point of view about work (with passion) is impressive!

    Give us your novel!! I’m sure everybody will love to read it!

    With LOVE from Portugal! <3

  3. Yes, tell us your thoughts Sara! I loved the interview! Thanks to you and Liliana!

  4. I connect perfectly with the last paragraph because I left Portugal 10 years ago. It was my choice. I love Portugal, but I felt that the world is too big and working abroad is a great way of evolving. Most of all, I have learned to be tolerant and appreciate greatly learning with people from other cultures, religions, etc.

    But, when I accidently saw Diogo on TV playing Jesus, I burst into tears. I felt that connection and even though I am a non-believer, his kind and human Jesus touched me in spiritual level. And, then, I realized that I am Portuguese wherever in the world I go, whoever are the people who surrounds me.

    1. Lou, I seriously feel like we have parallel lives... I didn't leave a country, but I left the South here in the US, which is like a whole 'notehr country LOL. Seriously, I know exactly what you mean and had the same reaction to that part of this interview. And though Diogo's performance of Jesus didn't create religious faith in me, as I am a person of faith already, I too burst into tears because his performance and humble interviews after (like "I'm known there on Oprah) DID restore if not awake my faith in the business and town I work in... and I was at a point in my career (and life) where I REALLY needed that faith and passion restored. I cannot thank you enough for sharing your love and pride of being from Portugal with me and all of us. We are proud to know you and so thankful we met you through Diogo. Thank you again, and I can't wait until you can get back to Portugal!

  5. Uh no offense I am sure he is a good actor but that Joaquim wishes he was Diogo lololol

  6. I, too, am looking forward to your comments :-) lots to respond to here, as seems to be the case with this wonderful man! interesting that he perceives the US to be a religious country. to me, it seems less so with each passing year. also, >>they feel empathy for the immigrant, someone who goes out of Portugal and succeeds.<< that was neat, i hadn't thought about that perspective :-) yes... lots to chew on.

  7. Another great interview! Diogo is so passionate and genuine about his work...about everything! I think that is what we all like about him so much. Sara, we definitely want to know your thoughts...please share! Thanks to both you and Liliana for continuing to pique our interest and allowing us to learn more about Diogo. Obrigada!

  8. Well I admit, most of my thoughts on the interview are based on my own personal experience/take. Meaning, I just am blown away about how Diogo "gets" it. I've worked in the American Culture of Hollywood for many, many years, and he says dead on things about it after working here for maybe 1 year total? LOL. He is right, for all our flaws, we do have many things going for us too. His mention of Mark Burnett and the strategies he uses to keep people informed about his next project as his current one is airing is a perfect example. I just find it so rare and refreshing that Diogo not only "gets" it, but explains/expresses it so well. Took me a lot longer LOL!

    I also loved hearing/reading about he specifically wanted to portray Jesus as human/"flawed" because that is what I loved most about his portrayal. I grew up Catholic, and still am a person of faith, but for me, I just loved seeing a SMILING, HAPPY Jesus. A Jesus who literally touched and kissed people gently. His mention of the Lazurus scene was great because I loved when their eyes opened at the same time. There is a lot I have always felt Diogo personally brought to the role, little "details" I have thought he even "improvised" or "ad libbed" and this just made me want to ask him about it more LOL.

    I love his attitude about future projects.... even if it means he isn't working here in Hollywood right now, hee. I admire him for going for the best project, not the best exposure. This might sound crazy, but I admire his bravery for pursuing his own passions and priorities over what "Hollywood" or the proverbial "they" say you "should do now." That says a lot about him, to me. And truth is, this was not a great pilot season this year. There are a couple of new great shows coming out next season, but most were mediocre at best. He seems very excited about Eduardo and "Ambição" and I admire his decision. Not many actors hot off the heals of an "American" project like "The Bible" would do that..... some would feel it was going backwards instead of going towards your passion, or going home. I respect him greatly for reasons just like this. I have said before, I LOVE that he is playing a "jerk" like Eduardo seems he is going to be right after playing Jesus. I think it's brilliant and will help prevent the box or type cast this industry tries so hard to put people in after a big role/project like Jesus/"The Bible."

    I should admit, I work in TV production and publicity where stock answers and sound bytes are often my bread and butter. But they are also standard and expected. That's why I really dig his answer about if he is the "new Joaquim de Almeida." It is a perfect, respectful, and honest answer, yet it is not rehearsed, forced, or fake. I personally HATE the trend we all have to "compare and contrast" people, so I just loved his reminding us we are all unique, even with similarities.


    1. What you wrote reminded me of this quote (it's about the music business, not about the movie business, but still...)

      “The music business is a cruel and shallow money
      trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and
      pimps run free, and good men die like dogs.
      There's also a negative side.”

      ― Hunter S. Thompson

  9. Now as far the who are his fans answer... I have gotten mixed responses from some of you.... and I worry Diogo may be falling into a slippery slope, sadly. I had some new American fans who e-mailed me that they were upset he didn't mention them in his answer where he mentioned his fans. But, I saw it like this... and this is just MY opinion/take.... but Diogo is a very shrewd man. He knows who is asking the questions and what the mean, and even more so, he knows his audience. This interview was done in Luxembourg in Portuguese. Doesn't mean he forgot about his American fans, it means he probably doesn't know we have a translator at the ready LOL, so his answer was directed TO and ABOUT the people the question was asking him to describe and answer to -- his Portuguese/"local" fans. Plus, he was discussing how the Bible seemed to have had in his opinion, a "new" effect/reaction to him by the Portuguese community, so his answer made complete sense to me.

    I understand too from e-mails some have sent me that some Portuguese fans are a bit disappointed because he posted recently on his English Facebook page but not his Portuguese FB page. And frankly, this is also where I worry Diogo can't win. We all have to remember how new this is for him... it is not only new, it's an adjustment for him. I dare say it is life changing for him, and I think it is easy to forget that, but should be remembered and respected. Just as most of us here didn't even know about Diogo up until 2 months ago, he didn't know of us. For us and for him too I am sure, it is fun and exciting, but it is literally a whole new world for him in many ways. But this is a guy who did THREE one hour long internet chats with fans in THREE DIFFERENT LANGUAGES within 24 hours. Not because History Channel made him, but because he wanted to thank ALL his fans. I can barely type for one hour in one language LOL, he did it for 3 in three different languages. Because he wanted to say thank you. This guy is NOT forgetting any of his fans, wherever you live.

    Finally, even though I am obviously not from Portugal or even another country, what he said about venturing out and succeeding really spoke to me. See, I am from the South here in the US, but I chose to move to Los Angeles nearly 18 years ago to go to school and to work in TV. Now, where I am from in the South, NO ONE leaves. You just don't leave family. People thought I was crazy, selfish, nuts, you name it. My grandma said I was out of the will LOL. But I knew since I was a child I HAD to work in TV and film. It was my passion, even then. There was no stopping me. And the funny thing is, once I had a little bit of "success," as in I worked with people or for shows my Southern friends and family knew & liked, those who had shunned me now respected me. They saw me completely different. They admired me and wanted to talk to me about things they have never before. They were so proud of me, and it was so unexpected and unbelievable to me, yet every time I go "home" and someone congratulates me, or says they are proud of me for braving Hollywood, well, it truly touches me. And living in L.A., I appreciate the South and its people more than I ever have, and I strive every day to make Hollywood more Southern LOL. I think it's because I know how hard it is to leave home (and mine is only 4 hours away by plane, not 15 like Diogo's), that I respect Diogo and his choices. I LOVE how proud he is to be from Portugal. Just as I often proudly say "y'all" here in Los Angeles if though people look at me like I am an idiot LOL.

    See? I told you I was gonna write a novel here! LOL! SO sorry. It was just such a great interview, LOL! Have a good night, and thanks again to Liliana! Hugs, Sara.

    1. I have to come to his defense here. As you say, this was an interview to a specific audience: Portuguese emigrants in Luxembourg. If he had talked about his new American fans, that could have sounded sort of pretentious in some way. Instead, he referred works that only the Portuguese audiences know, which goes along with the image of humbleness that has captivated the American fans. He's not forgetting anyone. He's most probably just trying to stay down to earth. He had no idea that American fans would have it translated. Besides, this is someone who was away from home for a while, came back, had to take decisions... it's a lot of stuff going on.

    2. Beautiful words and insight, Sara! I expected no less. Thanks again for this blog, your personal insight/experience and for bringing people from all walks of life together.

  10. Love your insight and way with stating things as usual, Sara Agree with so much you say. Here, here. Thank you for sharing and thanks for this amazing blog about an amazing man.

  11. I agree, sign below and thank you, Sara!

  12. I love how you express your thoughts,Sara..You have explained it very well.
    I agree, this is a new world for our Diogo.And we just have to understand him.We have to keep supporting him with his decisions.And of course I want him to be in a very good movie,good roles!
    And I know Diogo is grateful for his American fans.And I am so happy to know some wonderful people from Portugal.Diogo is our bridge!
    Sara,I am proud of you..And to Ms.Liliana deepest gratitude:)

  13. Thank you all for the kind words. Much appreciated as always. FYI for those who didn't see on Facebook, the Luxembourg site BOMDIA did a piece on the blog about this very interview hahaha! So cool! I will post a link to the article.

    Thanks again to Liliana for her translation and to all of you for making this blog so fun. Xo, Sara.

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