Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Interview with a Vampire - Clips of the Day

Interview with Diogo about playing a vampire, that is. :)  

Today's "Clips of the Day" come from 2010... when Diogo had a cameo role on SIC's vampire series, "Lua Vermelha" ("Red Moon"), as"Artur," a fearsome vampire who returns for revenge.

(photo courtesy of SIC)

Below are two interviews Diogo gave in 2010 about playing a vampire/Artur, followed by translations of the interviews, thanks to the incredible Liliana.

(clip from SIC's "E-Especial" courtesy of FicaaSaber/YouTube)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)
Reporter: You are already in the vampire spirit!

Diogo: Completely! You better not come too close! (…) "Artur" comes to make things unsteady. My character is a treat they gave to me. I think it is a mix between what is worse, with the addition of having vampire powers. 

Reporter: You are going to be one of the bad guys.

Diogo: Not gonna be ONE of the bad guys… I hope to be THE bad!! The worst of them all!  Artur is as old as the powerful Máximo, who is the boss there.  They are longtime rivals, and my character comes to avenge what he didn't do in the past… This is completely different, it allows me to have fun, and I am loving it! I love a great story about the world of fantasy and the supernatural, I am so there! This thing about having super powers and flying… I really enjoy this. This is so nice!  They told me at the beginning that I would have a (stunt) double and I was so sad… but then they said, “Oh no, after all, no, we do not have a double who’s your size!” And I… YES! Okay!! I’ll have to do all my stuff!! .... Here goes a bite!

(video courtesy of SIC)

About the interest in vampires…
I don't know if we can call it interest, but there’s always this fascination about the paranormal and the fantastic world of vampires… this has always been on the human mind for a long time. I do not escape this… So this is something that fascinates me!

About the vampire “craze”…
This “craze” brings good things and in Portugal I think that this “craze” might bring an evolution towards Portuguese TV production.  Our shows are romanticized, with little action, and less fantastic, paranormal… this might be the start of something new in our dramas!

Who is “Artur” in “Lua Vermelha?”
Artur is almost as old as Máximo, not as powerful. They are great rivals for many years now. They fought in the Crusades. When dividing the land, Máximo kept the land Artur wanted. So Artur never forgave Máximo for that, and he comes disguised as a lamb, just to visit his old friend, but with another intention…

How do you deal with the make-up needed for the character?
Differences make us more alert, more creative than when we are used to playing the same characters, same type of person. When we are in our comfort zone, we stagnate in our capacity of improvisation and creation.  So, these adversities of the lenses, the vampire teeth, the blood, the burns, all these are new things contributing to a new fiction!

Finally, you can see some incredible scenes of Diogo as "Artur" below, WITH English subtitles.  (Oh and full confession here, I am so not a vampire person, but even I really enjoyed Diogo as "Artur," especially his scenes with "Verónica," hee!)

(all videos courtesy of Morganna/YouTube)

Obrigada Liliana, as always, for the translations.  Have a great day, everybody!  




  1. Vampire BITES! For you ALL!!

    Love! =)

  2. Obrigada MsLily!!! Diogo one of the handsome Vampire I've ever seen;D

    1. Yeah! Rob Pattinson was lucky the Twilight team did not see Diogo first, otherwise he would still be a completely unknown actor :). Good they didn't... Twilight sucks ;D!

    2. I agree Lou ! Watching the clips of this novela,makes me want to watch it more,I love this kind of story.I'm almost done with Vinganca.And I am glad that there's and english subtitle.

  3. 30k views...this is more than a blog! Make it official Diogo:)it's like 10k or more views every week..love it!

  4. I'd be interested to know how this ends!

  5. This is Awesome!! I hope we can get the chance to watch it here. :-)
