Sunday, May 26, 2013

Diogo on Radio Latina Luxembourg

(Diogo with announcer Paula Faria of Radio Latina - Luxembourg)

Diogo sat down to chat with Radio Latina during his recent trip to Luxembourg.

(photo courtesy of Radio Latina Luxembourg)

The wonderful Liliana translated a few snippets of cool things Diogo said in the interview, which you can find right below the link to the entire interview:

Click here to listen to Diogo on Radio Latina Luxembourg

Of his role in "The Bible" --
"I don't know if “The Bible” is the most important role I ever did as an actor, but it was the biggest role I did considering what I felt by doing it."

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)

On receiving any offers to work in the US after "The Bible" --
"Yes, there were some contacts and invitations made, and some of them are on the table and being evaluated. But I'm not a fan of big euphoria and buzz, and, I have some difficulty managing it. So I want to to have some tranquility now, to decide what is going to happen later.... Whatever it will be, I will always be the kid from the south bank of Lisbon, doing my best. I feel like a privileged actor working in Portugal, and that is what I want to do right now."

About "Ambição," (the series he is filming now) and the character he plays, "Eduardo" -- 

"Maybe I do not do Ambição until the end, anything can happen...  "Eduardo" is going to be a guy who will cause indignation… a peculiar and rare character in the series... there will be a limit between the coward and the despicable, but at the same time, there will be a reason for that."

About actors dreaming of Hollywood --

"I am a dreamer too, but of different things.... I dreamed of being a father before I was 30.... I have dreams about directing a movie, dreams about things that can be done that satisfy me as a person.... Dreaming about being a international actor is an ego thing." 

On working in Portugal versus working internationally --

"The difference between international work and Portuguese work is a matter of scale, proportion. I never had the dream of being an international actor, I feel grateful for what I have right now.... Working internationally is not my priority, if it happens, it will be a consequence of my work...  One thing I do know for sure is that I will not change a good project in Portugal for a bad one internationally." 

Obrigada Liliana, as always, for the translation.  And have a great rest of your weekend, everybody!




  1. I really liked this interview. He is a grounded boy.

  2. " I will always be the kid from the south bank of Lisbon, doing my best " And it's all said!


  3. His humility is exemplary. As said in the parable of the pharisee and the tax collector, "For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” Luke 18:14. This is what draws so many people to him. He's an amazing guy with a wonderful personality.

    1. i couldn't agree more, Dominique. he clearly has his head on straight. the word "refreshing" keeps being mentioned, and it sums him up perfectly.

  4. I agree. My hope is he finds challenging yet ultimately fulfilling projects, whether they be in Portugal, USA, China, are ideally all 3 and then some. I also hope he does pursue directing and writing, as we've only scrapped the surface in my opinion of his masterful talent as a storyteller and filmmaker. I also hope he always gets to be surround by talented, good people on all his future projects who appreciate just how refreshing humble and genuine a person he is.

  5. Let me share with you a little poem of a great Portuguese poet, Ricardo Reis (a heteronym of Fernando Pessoa), which in my opinion portrays who Diogo is and his way of living life (had already shared with Sara by mail)

    “ To be big, be whole: nothing

    Yours exacerbate or leave out.

    Be you in everything. Put everything you are

    In the smallest thing you do.

    So in every lake, the whole moon shines,

    because it lives high.”

    1. Beautiful :)!!

    2. I will share my favorite Portuguese poem, and a classic, which has to do with each and every human being.

      Love is a fire that burns unseen

      Love is a fire that burns unseen,
      a wound that aches yet isn’t felt,
      an always discontent contentment,
      a pain that rages without hurting,

      a longing for nothing but to long,
      a loneliness in the midst of people,
      a never feeling pleased when pleased,
      a passion that gains when lost in thought.

      It’s being enslaved of your own free will;
      it’s counting your defeat a victory;
      it’s staying loyal to your killer.

      But if it’s so self-contradictory,
      how can Love, when Love chooses,
      bring human hearts into sympathy?

      Luís Vaz de Camões

      (Portugal, 1524/5–1580)

  6. Here here, Sara! I agree with all you say! As much as I want to see Diogo in projects soon here in the US, I hope even more that he finds projects that please him, wherever they may be.

    And yes, may he always have a good team surrounding him! You work in Hollywood, right Sara? And you are clearly a writer... He is an actor/director.... I hope one day your and Diogo's professional paths may cross.... that is a project I'd enjoy watching for sure! :) Thanks for another great post and insight, as always!

  7. Hi there Sarah, This is a fantastic interview. My admiration for Mr.Diogo Morgado have increased because of this interview. Besides being talented and incredibly handsome, Mr.Diogo Morgado is a man with a good character...
