Thursday, May 22, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 189 Translations

As a reminder, because of real life taking over, I am only posting a few scenes from some of the most recent episodes of "Sol de Inverno" to catch us all up, with my sincere apologies for the gap and delay in posting.  But this episode I am posting is a pivotal episode for "Eduardo."  But to recap the episodes we have missed:  Eduardo kicked Margarida out of the house and Teresa followed her out.... Rita convinced Eduardo to befriend Vicente to talk to him about convincing Teresa not to go to the police about Laura, who is still "missing".... Eduardo started receiving mysterious phone calls where no one said anything, and then he saw someone on the street he was certain was Thais.... and with that, below is episode 189 of "Sol de Inverno."   And as always, a huge thank you to Dina for the translations!

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)

(Eduardo and Rita are having dinner at the Beach Bar.Rita complains because they didn't go to dinner at a better place, far away.) 
Eduardo: You don't have much reason to complain, do you? It's better than being in the kitchen. 
Rita: Okay, Eduardo, but I like to walk. 
(Thais watch them from afar.) 
Rita: You know what is making me feel like getting? Body treatments, you know? With hydration... 
Eduardo: But do you need that? Let me see (and he touches her legs.) 
Rita: Oh, oh, so... 
Eduardo: Shut up... you're fine. No, you don't need any of that, please. Don't be Andreia, ok? 
Rita: But what like Andreia? I like to treat myself ... A woman who is a woman, likes to treat herself. 
(Eduardo's phone rings.)
Eduardo: Again an unidentified number. 
Rita: Give me, let me answer. I'll resolve this.
Eduardo: I'm not giving you anything. Leave it.
(Eduardo answers the call.) 
Eduardo: Hello? You must like this, right? You must love to stay there in silence listening to the sound of my voice ... If you want I'll get you a recording... 
Thais: Hello, Eduardo.
Eduardo: I knew ... I knew it was you. 
Thais: Dining in the same place that we went to, hmmm? You could be more original. Take your new girlfriend, this maid, to a different place, right? Or does she not deserve that? 
Eduardo: Look, Thais, if I were you, I'd pay attention, and leave Portugal as soon as possible, before the police catch you, okay? 
Thais: Look, that is what I'm thinking of doing, you know? But first I need to talk to you. Need to see you. 
Eduardo: Are you crazy? You think I'm stupid? We have nothing to talk about. There isn't the slightest chance of us meeting. Got it? 
Thais: Oh no? And if I say that I know where you hid your mother? 
Eduardo: You...
Rita: What? Let me talk to her...
Eduardo: You're bluffing, ok? It'll not fall for it, understand? 
Thais: Eduardo, you know I'm not bluffing, don’t you? I know you're not a good person, but to lock up your own mother ... Frankly Eduardo, I don’t know if even I would do such a thing.
Eduardo: My mother is traveling ... if by chance, eventually, you find yourself with her, perfect. Good for you. Give her a kiss for me, okay? 
Thais: (laughs) We know that's a lie, okay? We both know that. Let's do this, you do what I say so, or otherwise, a lot of people will know about this farce. 
Rita: But what's going on? Let me talk to her.
Eduardo: Thais, Thais, listen to what I am saying  to you. These threats will not serve you any purpose. Where are you? Hmm? Tell me ... Listen, you just try. Try to approach me. The Police will be on you and you will not even be brought back to your own country. You heard me correctly?
(Eduardo hangs up.)
Eduardo: We're leaving. Let's go. The check, please. The check, I need the check.
Rita: But what's going on?
Eduardo: I told you. I told you I was being followed. I told you.
Rita: What does she want?
Eduardo: She knows. She knows about my mother, Rita.
Rita: But how did she find out?
Eduardo: I don’t know ... She wants to meet me and says if I don’t go meet with her, she will tell everyone everything.
Rita: Call the clinic. Call now.
(Eduardo calls the clinic and talks with the doctor.)
Eduardo: Hello, it's Eduardo Aragão. How is my mother?
Doctor: I'm just arriving at your mother's room. I have been doing my rounds. Yes, she’s sleeping now. Yes, of course, much calmer. Hasn’t refused her medication or anything. Not made ​​any kind of attempt to escape... No, Eduardo, nobody visited... I think your mother finally realized that she will not leave from here. There is no way for someone to know that she’s here. Okay. Rest assured. Excuse me.
(The doctor disconnects the call and leaves. Laura opens her eyes. She wasn’t sleeping.)

(Teresa, Vicente, Simão and Margarida have returned home, after Eduardo kicked them out. They are having dinner when Eduardo and Rita arrive after the call from Thais.)
Rita: Eduardo, you have to be calm. I'm absolutely sure she knows nothing. She can’t know anything.
Eduardo: But, what’s this?
Teresa: Do you want dinner?
Eduardo: Look…
Teresa: What is it? You gonna beat me, huh? Is that how you solve the problems with all the women in your life...
Eduardo: But who do you...
Vicente: (interrupts him) Think about the response you give, Eduardo.
Eduardo: All right, but listen. I'll not make your life any easier.
Teresa: Who is not going to make your life easy, is me. For now, it begins by saying to António that Margarida's horse not going anywhere.
Eduardo: For now I have to inform you that this farce will not last.
Teresa: That's right. It's good that you get used to the fact that it will only last until I realize what you did with mother.
Eduardo: But I did not do anything to our mother, Teresa. Mom went away because she wanted to. Actually, it wasn't because she wanted to. It was because you gave her the idea to go to a clinic to rest...
Margarida: Eduardo, we know that you know where mother is okay? None of us doubt that.
Eduardo: Margarida, I swear to you that I have no idea where mother is. Vicente, please help me. Help me put some sense into these heads...
(The doorbell rings.)
Teresa: I suppose it’s for you, Eduardo.
(Marisa opens the door. Two men enter)
Police: We are from the Judiciary Police. We want to talk with Mr. Eduardo Aragão.
Marisa: Wait a moment.
Marisa: (to Eduardo) Doctor, there are two gentlemen who want to talk to you. They say they are from Judiciary Police.
(Eduardo laughs, sarcastic/nervously, and goes to talk with them.)
Eduardo: Good evening.
Police: Good evening. Inspector Afonso Cerqueira and this is my colleague António Pinheiro. We have received a complaint and want to ask some questions about the disappearance of your mother.
Eduardo: Absolutely. Please join me.
(The three go to the library.)
Rita: I can’t believe you did this to your brother.
Teresa: You're also in on it, right Rita?
Rita: You hit your head against a wall, that's what this is. But you now what, it's actually good that the police came here, to the house. Then we can be done once and for all with these accusations. You'll see.
(Eduardo and the policemen are talking in the library.)
Police: It's pretty, this picture.
Eduardo: It was taken at the lake house. My father
Police: It was normal for you all to go there often?
Eduardo: Sorry folks, I have to call my lawyer, if this is some kind of interrogation...
Police: Of course not. We received a complaint, as I told you, about the disappearance of your mother.
Eduardo: (laughs nervously) Look, my mother is traveling. There isn’t even a basis for a complaint of disappearance, it doesn’t make sense.
Police: The person who made the complaint doesn’t think so.
Eduardo: My brothers and sisters are concerned without any reason ... Okay it isn’t normal my mom to leave for so long.  But now my mother is on vacation, and they have communicated. My mother and siblings have spoken by email.
Police: Well, if you remember something that can help us figure out where is your mother, here's my card.
Eduardo: Sure. Very good.
Police: So we'll see each other when you receive the notification
Eduardo: Notification??
Police: Yes. We need to talk to you at the Judiciary. And then you will need a lawyer.
(Eduardo lets the cops out.)
Rita: So, is 
Eduardo: (to Teresa) You should be ashamed of yourself, Teresa. I received the same emails as you.
Teresa: Yes, the ones that came from your computer.
Eduardo: I don’t know what you’re talking about...
Teresa: I know it was you who sent the emails.
Eduardo: That's a lie. You have no proof of what you're saying. Do you? You don’t have any, do you?
Simão: Teresa has proof.
Eduardo: Go play with Barbies I'm talking to our sister.
(Simão grabs him by the collar.)
Simão:  Eduardo, where's our mother? Where the hell is she? I know you did all of this to stay in charge of Boheme. Where did you put her?
Margarida: Calm down, calm down, calm down. Simão, Simão…
Eduardo: Now you turned into a man? Is that it?
Let's see ... Let's see who can last longer in these conditions. Hmm?
(Eduardo exits.)
Teresa: You're gonna get caught...
Simão: I will call Nuno now and stay here with you.
Vicente: There's no need. I'll stay here with them. Go home. 
Teresa: Simão, you have your daughter waiting. Don't be like that. Take it easy. We will be fine.
Margarida: Yes, if there is anyone who should be scared now, it's Eduardo. Not us, okay? Calm down.
(Eduardo and Rita talk in the bedroom.)
Eduardo: I wanted to kill them, do you understand?
Rita: Don’t be like that. There is no evidence. Take it easy.
Eduardo: They've been tinkering on my computer. They know that the emails came from there. That's why they were to the police to file the complaints.
Rita: Okay. But if they had delivered the evidence to the police, by now, probably, you'd be arrested.
Eduardo: I have to be calm. I must calm down. I have to think. Okay. So they rummaged on my computer and that is illegal. I know this is illegal. So they can’t use it as evidence. I have to get a lawyer anyway. And I can’t ask my mother’s lawyer to take care of this... 
Rita: No, of course not. You can’t tell them anything.
Eduardo: And if Thais tells my brothers and sisters where my mother is? 
Rita: You see, that's why I'm always saying that the priority is dealing with Thais. Call her. Say you want to meet her.
Eduardo: No, no, no. She cannot be trusted.
Rita: But Eduardo, there is no other way. What options are there? You must do this. I'll go with you.

Eduardo: So this is how it is now? Knocking on the door and me not answering does not tell you anything?
Teresa: I need you to see these sketches of the models for the new collection.
Eduardo: You can leave them there and I'll look at them later
Teresa: No. You're going to look now.
Eduardo: No I will not. You can leave.
Teresa: You're going to look at them now, because we have to decide which models will go into production.
Eduardo: Okay. I will have a look and then I will talk to the design department. You can leave.
(Teresa goes to leave but stops.)
Teresa: Take full advantage of that chair. Not gonna 
(Teresa leaves)
Eduardo: (talking to himself) Teresa, Teresa, what am I going to do with you...
(His phone rings.)
Eduardo: Yes, what do you want, Thais? Fine. I'll meet with you. You only have to tell me where. Okay, see you then.
(Eduardo meets with Thais in a parking lot.)
Thais: And then my love... miss me?
Eduardo: No. Not at all.
Thais: I know. You replaced me with that slut, right?
Eduardo: What do you want?
Thais: Money. I need money to get out of this country. It's simple.
Eduardo: So ask for a loan ... It's simple...
Thais: (laughs) Eduardo, Eduardo, do not play with me. Now, a mama's boy has the guts to lock her in a mental hospital? Full of the mentally ill? Really... Shame on you, Eduardo...
Eduardo: I'll need a few days to get the money.
Thais: I'll give you two. Two days. Okay? Now you don’t even think about messing with me, Eduardo. Because otherwise, I send an email to all of your family, telling them everything.
Eduardo: Well in that case, I'll have to take that risk...
(Rita runs over Thais.)
Rita: So? Is she dead?
Eduardo: How do you want me to know for sure?
Rita: Eduardo check her wrist... Sometimes you seem not to think...
Eduardo: (very nervous) Her pulse… I feel nothing...
Rita: Check on her neck...
Eduardo: Nothing ... We're leaving as quickly as possible.
Rita: Calm down, okay? We just have to finish getting rid of a problem, no need for you to be full of worry. Not even worth looking around, because there are no surveillance cameras. I'm not stupid.
Eduardo: What are you doing? Don’t touch the body...
Rita: This is evidence (grabbing Thais' phone). We have to take this with us. Come on.
Eduardo: We're leaving.



  1. This is sooooo good, can't wait to see how it all plays out!

  2. This is sooooo good, can't wait to see how it all plays out!

  3. Oh, No! Murder! Eduardo you have sunk so low!
