Thursday, January 16, 2014

"Throwback Thursday" - Birthday Edition

It's "Throwback Thursday!"  And as you may know, tomorrow is Diogo's birthday, so I thought we'd make it a birthday edition, because let's face it, celebrating the day Diogo was born really should be a two-day event.  :)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
So in honor of "Throwback Thursday" AND Diogo's birthday tomorrow, here is a cute clip from 2009 when Diogo was on SIC's "E-Especial" discussing his birthday, which he was spending that year on the set of the series he was filming at that time, "Podia Acabar o Mundo" ("The World Could End.")   Dina was gracious enough to translate this short but sweet clip for us, which can be found right below the video.  (Oh and please note, they have Diogo's birthday year wrong.  Per his own Facebook page, Diogo was born in 1981, not 1980.)

Throwback Thursday - Diogo's Birthday by diogofanfriends

Sofia Tavares/Interviewer (ST): Today is a day of celebration. On January 17, 1980 Diogo Morgado was born. 
DM: I wish that from now on, nobody keeps count of my birthdays... 
Cláudia Vieira: You're getting old man ... 
Afonso Lopes (AL): (played Diogo's son on the series) Happy birthday. 
FRIEND: And have a good day. 
AL: Of course. 
ST: (to Diogo) For you, spending your birthday working, is it good? 
DM: I see birthdays as a passage ... So I don't it give much importance. 
ST: (to the boys) You, when you grow up, you want to spend all your birthdays working? 
AL: No. With friends, with family at a restaurant, not go to work ... Poor guy... What can we do for him? 
(And the two boys keep thinking.) 

Well, here's hoping Diogo doesn't have to work on his birthday tomorrow and he can celebrate ALL weekend!  :)  Happy early birthday, Diogo!


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