Saturday, January 11, 2014

Diogo on "Passadeira Vermelha"

(photos courtesy of Passadeira Vermelha/Facebook)

Right before the New Year, all the way back at the end of December of 2013, hee, Diogo was a guest on the new show, "Passadeira Vermelha" ("Red Carpet") which airs on the new entertainment-based network, SIC Caras.  This show is not posted online and was quite long, but our truly awesome friend Dina was kind enough to film some of the show off of her TV (LOL!) for us.  Thus, posted below are some highlights/clips from the show, along with the translations found beneath each video, again courtesy of Dina. 

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)

Liliana Campos/Host (LC): The end of the year is fast approaching. "Passadeira Vermelha" is here to celebrate and comment. 
LC: Happy Holidays. And with us is a lively and informed panel to comment today. Diogo Morgado and Ana Sofia, faces that clearly marked 2013, and that will certainly make their mark in 2014. And here today are our guests who mark our red carpet. Ana Sofia, welcome to "Passadeira Vermelha," you know I always like to be with you ... 
Ana Sofia (AS): And I with you because it is a sign that it will always go well. 
LC: So good. And also to be with you, Diogo, of course. 
DM: That's why I chose this day because I already know about your magic. 
LC: (to Ana Sofia) You realize that today we are the most envied women in not just this country? Because we have all the world...
DM: (interrupts) Because you are on SIC Caras, and there are very many people who would like to be here. 
AS: (teasing) Exactly! Not because we are next to you...

Diogo on Passadeira Vermelha by diogofanfriends

LC: We talk here on "Passadeira Vermelha," that artists, actors, singers, presenters, they have the same feelings and the same problems, mainly the same problems, as anyone ...
DM: (joking) No, no, we are all inside a glass case and are not part of society. We're separate beings.

Diogo on Passadeira Vermelha - Video 3 by diogofanfriends
LC: You are kidding with me, but now I'll play with you. Let's take a trip behind the scenes of "Sol de Inverno." Shall we? 
DM: Let's do it ... 
(They show actual scenes from "Sol de Inverno.")
DM: Didn't you say that was behind the scenes? 
LC: I said ... that was not behind the scenes, was the first episode of "Sol de Inverno," that you did not see before. We had backstage footage, but as we knew you have not seen these, we wanted to give you a surprise. 
DM: But what's to say..... [that he had not seen the first episode.]
LC: It is to say, yes. But tell me how it is, because it is still happening... 
DM: Yes, it is, and now people say "but wait, didn't he die?"  No, he did not die.
LC: I was also amazed when you told me that, at the launch party for the new channel, because I thought you were dead, because they could have had to kill you....
DM: No, I'm allowed to say. He'll be back. 
LC: But coming back with a more strong personality, or coming back more foolish? 
DM: Coming back worse, much worse, but also foolish. A person born foolish, is always a fool.  Returns as a fool a bit more refined, while other qualities are worse. Is foolish and more crazy. Becomes much, much worse. 
LC: But then if he becomes more crazy, his mother will put her claws into him even more. 
DM: Or not.
LC: Or not?
DM: No. Now I'll be serious. I can say that, of course everyone will say I had to say this, but the truth is that making this series, at this time, after the year that was, and this confusion .... 
LC: Yes, but we will get there ...
DM: But I will not elaborate much more about it. I just want to say that ... ..
LC: You go, you go...
DM: (laughs) Or maybe I will... if it has to be. But what I mean is that after all this bustle and this wave of things that have happened, to make this character, which is anything but a linear character, which mixes the stupid, foolish and annoying, but due to the conditions he exists in, he is, in some way, excusable. I say this because the feedback I've had on the street is a bit like that.
LC: It's the way he was raised ... .
DM: That's it. That's it. We are in fact the result of the conditions in which we operate, and what will happen to us and those around us. .
LC: Mainly the lack of affection in childhood ... 
DM: Exactly. And Eduardo is the result oh this. Is someone who thinks he has the right to be treated well. 
LC: We're here talking about a character that is even giving you much enjoyment to do ... 
DM: It's not "even is giving me," it is "is giving me" much enjoyment to do. And this final stretch, and I have to say this, this final stretch is absolutely astounding. The mother/son relationship will reach a crucial point. 

Diogo on Passadeira Vermelha - Video 4 by diogofanfriends

LC: When I was talking about backstage, I knew very well what I was talking about. 
DM: Ahh, you got the wrong video.
LC: Not by mistake, nothing is. 
DM: (looking at the camera) No, no, they were not mistaken on anything. Everything was thought out. 
LC: Let's see what you do in between filming of "Sol de Inverno," when you're not shooting, and you're having a moment of idle chatter. No surprise to most people, because it already has over a million views, but for some it will be. For me it was. 
(The "Bo Tem Mel" video with Diogo and Rui Unas plays, Diogo watches and "mimics" it.)
(All applaud and say it's great.) 
WOMAN: What was that? 
DM: That's what I ask. What was this? Is this all crazy, or what? 
LC: What was that? 
DM: This is two friends on a break from work, making a joke, nothing more. It's all crazy. 
LC: It plays like it was very well rehearsed. 
DM: No, no. Absolutely nothing rehearsed. NOTHING. 
LC: But you were so in sync with each other that I thought yes, you had rehearsed it. 
DM: Calm ... You have to be calm ... The truth is that Rui Unas had the computer with the words in front of us ... 
ALL: Ahhhh.....
DM: Put the glasses on for? To see what you're reading .... 
LC: Rui thinks of all these things and the truth is that he already has several successful videos in this genre. But you knew the song? 
DM: I'd heard the song. On a trip that I was going to for filming I'm listening to the Top 10, or whatever, of the music heard in Portugal, and I see a title saying "Bo Tem Mel" ("Bee has honey"). And I thought "ahhh?" "What is it?" And I listened. Upon hearing the chorus I had to listen to the end. I reached where I was going, Rui Unas was there and I asked him if he had ever heard it, and he said yes. "It's easy-listening" ... "Bo Tem Mel ... Bo Tem Mel," and we started the joke, and then, it was so. 
LC: Look, has honey for sure. Diogo has honey, for sure. 
(They are talking about the most important things that happened to them in 2013.) 
LC: Diogo, we will continue to talk. Tell us how was this success ... We know how it was but it certainly will not have been just "The Bible." What was most important to you in 2013? 
DM: 2013? What was most important to me ... (thinks) .... Look, one of the most important things that I was not even expecting or anything, was to feel that, somehow, this fantastic experience that happened to me with the Bible has resulted, at least, in the feedback that I got, by so many Portuguese people around the world, who were delighted and they were very proud. And I was not really expecting that. Obviously I expected .... 
LC: So let's relive some of those moments. 
DM: Let's do it.
(A news clip of Diogo plays.)

Diogo on Passadeira Vermelha - Video 6 by diogofanfriends

LC: You can only be really proud of all of this ... you are and we all are. All those who feel and realize the importance of this role, not only in your life, because you are Diogo and we like you very much, but in the life of any actor ... I know when you all started doing this minseries were not expecting this success, this is the truth, but from the moment it happens, it has to be enjoyed, has to be absorbed, and it's yours. It's yours. And I have to put it out there, have to go to Hot Jesus, however much you do not vibe with it. Do you vibe with it? 
DM: (smiling) Do I? Look at me "vibrating" ... 
LC: Come on, vibe with Hot Jesus.....
DM: (pretending enthusiasm) Yeahhhh.....
DM: No, I think it is important to explain .. (Liliana tries to interrupt him), no, now wait, now wait.
People may think it's a bit silly of me "why does he get angry?" Or "why does he not like this expression 'Hot Jesus'?" And I explain, it is very simple and very short, I get it, I get it.  Basically it is this: when "The Bible" debuted, Jesus was not in the premiere. Obviously the curiosity was "Who is playing Jesus?" The first pictures that appeared on social networks was not me as Jesus, it was my regular picture. So the only thing they could comment on at the time was the question... 
LC: (interrupts) I'm sorry, but you, as Jesus, are far more beautiful with that long hair ... 
DM: Look, I'll buy a wig, and when I go to dinner at your house, I'll bring the wig. 
LC: Because you assumed the role... for me, which I'm Catholic, I always grew up with the figure of Jesus present. I'd always imagined Jesus was VERY BEAUTIFUL. My mother always told me that Jesus was the most beautiful of all ... 
MAN: When you visualize or imagine Jesus, you will imagine Diogo. 
LC: Well ... but I never imagined so beautiful ... 
DM: But Liliana, when your mother spoke about beautiful, it was not here (points to the face), it was here (points to the heart), and it was there (heart) that I worked from.
LC: Yes, I know, but you are on the inside and out, can't you be both? 
DM: Okay, fine, take the bike ("award.") 
LC: Look that lady over there (Oprah), what did she say? When you went to eat a hot dog with her... “Hot Dog with Hot Jesus, life is delicious” was what she said, and I, who know you for so many years, can't say to you that you are a beautiful, wonderful, fantastic and stunning Jesus?
DM: You can... you can... But I, with regards to that, I can only thank my parents, I can't thank anyone else...
LC: But then you have your talent there, and the fact is that calling you Hot Jesus doesn't overshadow your talent.
DM: I, in relation to talent, do not know if it's there, and that's why somehow I get a little ... okay ... I realize that the idea (Hot Jesus) is good and that is a compliment, but it is not a question of talent, it's just a matter of work. And it happened. I have no modesty in saying that it was very, very difficult. 
LC: And also very much done from the heart ... 
DM: Yeah .. I never gave so much of myself to anything I have done in life. And did it for no other reason ... that is, at the time nobody had the sense of scale that it would be, so I did not do it to achieve anything other than my personal fulfillment. But when I was doing it I felt a huge responsibility to the whole world, to represent a figure that is vital and crucial, not only in the world but for millions and millions of people for whom Jesus is a part of their daily life. 
WOMAN: Diogo, and what was the biggest lesson you took away from having portrayed this character that is so special? 
DM: The biggest lesson was that one person can make a difference. And I hadn't thought that. I thought you needed a group of people, that it was necessary to have a common desire to change things.... and today I know that one person, wherever he is, whatever the situation is, a person, a gesture, a word, can always make a difference.

Okay, I have to say, Diogo saying "...when your mother spoke about beautiful, it was not here (points to the face), it was here (points to the heart), and it was there (heart) that I worked from" is, in my honest opinion, a "beautifully" perfect description of both Jesus himself and of Diogo's portrayal of Jesus, and is indeed perhaps one of my absolute favorite things I have ever heard Diogo say.  So thank you, again Dina, so much for providing these videos and translations!  Now I am even more excited about what's to come for us Diogo fans in 2014.  :)



  1. Sara, I am so glad that you are back! I have missed you and hearing more about Diogo! It was a beautiful interview from a beautiful man!

    1. Aw, thanks Ann! I have a feeling we will have a LOT to post about in 2014! :) And yes, this is indeed a beautiful interview! So grateful to Dina for sharing it with us. Happy New Year!

  2. Thanks once again for sharing and translating for us! You guys are great!!! Love it! Becky, (because I'm too lazy to find my password to sign in!)

  3. Poor guy. Still getting hit with the dopey "HJ" comments. Thank goodness he's a pro and handles it with such tact. He must be cringing on the inside.

  4. Hahahaha! I loved that you said "HJ"! Hurts me to type the words too! :) But I thought he handled it so beautifully here, best way to "get" it!
