Thursday, January 23, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 105 Translations

FINALLY!  Though "Eduardo" was barely on/only in the background in today's episode, I'll take it, and as you can see by that picture, tomorrow's episode looks so good!  Because love to hate him, or just hate him, I myself have missed "Eduardo" and have sorely missed seeing Diogo on TV everyday.  :)

Thus, here begins "Eduardo's" return to "Sol de Inverno."  Thanks and thanks again to Dina, for the videos and translations.  

He's Alive by diogofanfriends

Laura: (answering a call from the Detective she hired to go to Brazil to find Eduardo where he was reportedly seen) Hello, how are you? Yes, yes, I'm available, I can talk. (showing dismay) But are you sure of what you are telling me? 
Detective: Yes, Dr. I am absolutely sure. Beyond doubt. Your son Eduardo is here in front of me. 
(And in the background, we see Eduardo hug and kiss a woman) 
Detective: I know you want me to return to Lisbon with your son, but I tell you that he does not seem to be here against his will ... No. .. Quite the contrary. 
Laura: But how is this possible? For God's sake ... But why he did not try to contact us? Why does he not tell us anything this whole time? 
Detective: Apparently it was because of a woman ... He is accompanied ... Indeed, in great company ... 
Laura: A woman? (hardening voice) Listen, I want you to bring my son to Lisbon as soon as possible. Bring him by force, if necessary. Then give me news. 
(Laura smiles, but it is unclear whether it's from happiness about her son being alive, or if it is her solution to regain her company back from Sofia.) 

The detective continues to observe Eduardo and his new friend Thais, who are frolicking with each other on the beach. The detective talks on the phone with someone who asks for help solving a problem, and ensures that there is money involved.

Tune in tomorrow.... it's about to get interesting.  :)


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