Friday, December 20, 2013

More info about "Eduardo's" return

"Maria" magazine has given us even more info about "Eduardo's" upcoming return to "Sol de Inverno!"  Dina translated the article for us found right below, but these are spoilers, so do NOT read if you don't want to know!  

(article courtesy of "Maria")

COMING SOON - Sol de Inverno - Laura's son is alive!

While everyone thought him dead, the eldest son of Laura reappears in the plot with a young woman. However, Eduardo has to be kidnapped to return home.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
The next few weeks of "Sol de Inverno" will bring many surprises. After all, Eduardo is alive! Nevertheless, he seems unwilling to tell his family who finds him through a detective Laura hired to know more about the disappearance of her son, in Mexico.

The villainess doesn’t even want believe it, when the man calls her, from Rio de Janeiro, and says: "I am absolutely sure. There is no margin of doubt. Your son, Eduardo, is here, in front of me." On the other side of the phone, Laura is in shock!

Meanwhile, Eduardo comes out of the water accompanied by Thais (Úrsula Corona), a beautiful Brazilian. They are embracing and there is a romantic mood. The couple lays down on towels and drink coconut water.

The detective continues his conversation with Laura on the phone: "I know you want me to return to Lisbon with your son, but I have to tell you that he doesn’t seem to be here against his will, on the contrary," he says. The villainess gets angry at the possibility that her eldest son may have faked his own death, not worrying about the pain it would cause the family.

Kidnapped in Rio de Janeiro

Eduardo is resting by the beach, while drinking coconut water. A man approaches and pulls out a revolver. Laura's son tells him to take what he has, but not to hurt him. But in reality, the thief wants to take him away. Without any alternative, Eduardo is led to a minivan. The two back doors open and two men come running to the son of Laura, grabbing him by the arms and immobilizing him. Panicked, Eduardo struggles and tries to break free.  However, the kidnappers manage to hold the asset manager and shove him forcefully into the van. The doors close and the car drives off at high speed.

Actually, it is the detective who ordered the kidnapping of Eduardo, upon orders by Laura, who decides to scare her son and penalize him for having made the family suffer for several months.


Andreia is far from imagining that she is not the widow of Eduardo after all. The worst happens when the model has to return part of the inheritance she had already legally received. Moreover, Andreia will not be at all happy to know that her husband had an affair with another woman in the months he was gone.

Can't.  Wait.  :)


1 comment:

  1. :) lolol Too lazy to sign in............... Becky
