Sunday, September 29, 2013

Diogo on "Revenge"

Here are Diogo scenes as "Dr. Jorge Velez" from the season premiere episode of "Revenge."

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)

(all footage courtesy of ABC/Revenge)

Awesome job, Diogo!  Well done, and congratulations.

And seriously, how fantastic is it to see Diogo back on TV here in the US again?  I love it!  Here's to many more episodes, more series, more plays, more films, and just, more.... :)

You can see the entire episode of "Revenge" here.




  1. Sara you are amazing. Thank you for being the best Blog ever.

  2. Hi there. I admit I never saw the Bible, even though I am sure Diogo was great in it. I first saw him on Revenge last night and was so curious and charmed by the handsome charasmatic actor I had to google him which led me to here. Wow this blog is amazing. I had no idea Diogo had done so much in Portugal and I haven't even made it through half the posts yet lol. Cant wait to know more about him and see him more in the US hopefully. He's handsome and talented, I think he will be a huge star here. And thanks for doing such an amazing blog. Wow!

  3. It was AWESOME seeing him on tv again! I only wish he had more screen time but I'll take whatever we can get =)

  4. He was great and would be a great addition to this cast and show.... he plays charming and mysterious very well.... we should start a letter or twitter campaign to get him back LOL, there's so much they could with the good (bad? lol) Dr. Velez.

  5. OOH he so purty! i can't believe i missed this last weekend, thanks very much for posting the link to the full episde!
