Friday, April 19, 2013

UPDATED! Interviews with Diogo about "The Bible" you may have missed

UPDATED ON 4/19 to include a "new to us" interview with Diogo, Roma Downey, and Darwin Shaw from

Since some of you may have only recently discovered Diogo and "The Bible" via the Blu Ray & DVD sets or encore viewings, you may have missed some of the great interviews did Diogo did to promote the series prior to it airing.  So, we've gathered some of them here.  We have to say, Diogo is SO good at press, even with the occasionally embarrassing question.  Diogo's a good sport, and make sure you check out him "blessing" Nancy O'Dell towards the end of this first up ET Online interview.  It's a sweet moment.  Enjoy!

(courtesy of

(courtesy of

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)

For even MORE interviews with Diogo discussing "The Bible" please check out Our Youtube Channel.

For even more interviews with Diogo, please check out our Diogofanfriends Youtube Channel.

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