Thursday, August 6, 2015

Diogo on "Fama Show"/"Um Por Todas"

Diogo was recently a guest on SIC's "Fama Show" as part of their new format show "Um Por Todas," where as you will see, he was a great guest and a really good sport.  :)  You can fast forward through the episode below to see Diogo's segments throughout the show. And our truly incredible and generous friend Dina translated ALL of Diogo's parts for us, which can be found right below the video.  

Diogo on Fama Show/Um Por Todas

QUESTION ON THE SCREEN: What will happen?
(Diogo greets the hosts.)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
DM: Can I give kisses? Since the program's concept is so new, I don’t know if I can.
CLAUDIA BORGES (CB): (greeting him) Yes, we are always innovating...
CAROLINA PATROCÍNIO (CP): What? You don’t know what will happen? We'll do a dance here, to move you ahead...
DM: I was told "Sit there. Diogo, sit there." And I am sitting here, but I have no idea what is going to happen to me.
CP: It will be like this: each one will sit on your leg...
DM: Okay. I don’t know if I have the lap for all but it looks good. It seems to me very, very good. Hmmm... you are behind me ...
RITA ANDRADE (RA): (pointing to the camera) Your camera is that one ...
DM: But I don’t see anything inside... Are you crazy? This isn’t mine, it's not mine. Of course not. You're back there ... what am I facing here ahead? This is making me a mess... What a mess... What a mess... I'm getting nervous...
HOST: Which parties do you like more, before or after?
DM: The party is only when the party is happening. After it happens, it isn’t a party! It's... It was!!!
RA: We are on "Um Por Todas" and welcome, Diogo Morgado.
DM: Thank you.  Thank you. (Full of fear about the questions that they will ask.) Thank you... for now.
CP: Are you seated well?
DM: Sitting is the only thing I am well about, right now.
CP: Good, because... If you kneel, you have to pray?
DM: If I kneel ... may have to pray. Because the fact is that kneeling, opens a whole new wealth of possibilities, And one of them is... pray.
IVA LAMARÃO (IL): Would you trade your sex life for ten years, for an Oscar?
DM: For God's sake... For God's sake... but is it all this crazy? Look, even for a year, let alone ten. No... My life, I can guarantee that my life is animated.
CP: Did you lose your virginity first in real life or on TV?
DM: (bursts out laughing and doesn’t know what to say) Uh...Oh my God... (but decides to answer) On TV!
RA: Are you telling the truth? Tell the truth.
DM: I'm telling the truth. I started working very young...
RA: At what age?
DM: At 15.
RA: Oh, okay, okay... Now a more innocent question ... How old were you for your first kiss?
DM: I was in the 4th grade, a girl named Andreia, and we went along the fence of the school. She was there in the afternoon, I was in the morning ... she danced and had long hair...
IL: Almost sounds like a movie...
DM: It was, it was. By chance I was very lucky with my first kiss. It was very beautiful and very romantic. And we counted to 3... We counted to 3...Then go, "here we go... 1, 2 and 3" and... (kiss.)
HOSTS: Awww...
RA: A man with a capital "M"... have you ever been slapped by a woman?
DM: In real life, right? I think not. I'm pretty sure that's a no.
RA: Almost?
DM: Almost certain that it's a no ... I'm thinking if it was with a sense of humor or not (laughs).
IL: Has any woman told you "So? Are you ready?"
DM: OMG ... I think every time I suggest cooking, that question comes up. I should be faster. I'm so boastful in the kitchen, that they are always asking me "So? Is it ready?" So that's it. It happens with some regularity.
IL: Do you think that, in the kitchen, we should spend a lot of time to "cook" ... so things get cleared away, are done better and we get to know more... or should we also not take too long and not keep people waiting?
DM: I think the "cooking" must have the time needed for it to be done well.
CB: It depends on the meat right?
DM: If it’s meat if it’s fish...
IL: But you can’t take too long because it can also burn.
CB: Control it...
DM: Control it, of course!
RA: An excuse that you have given for a situation where you did not want to be.
DM: Look, the best excuse is that, in a situation like this one, where I feel very uncomfortable when I have four people behind me (gets up and leaves.)  Don’t take this the wrong way... (runs away from the camera.) He will not be able to catch me. You will not make it. I told you. I told you this would happen.(he continues to flee from the camera.)
RA: Diogo versus the camera...
DM: (arranging his hair) Today isn’t a "good hair day." It's a bit strange. Okay, thanks.  The next step will be to shave off the hair in fact, after this, which is going so well...
CP: Speaking of cuts. Mustache, triangle, or nothing at all?
DM: (frightened) What are we talking about what?
HOSTS: For cuts.
DM: Cuts? Cuts in general?
HOSTS: Yes, whatever you want.
DM: Okay. In general. So let's start with the face. I don’t like to be completely clean cut in the face.
CB: Turn around forward Diogo.
DM: Oh, okay. This is for television, isn't it? I never like to be without any kind of beard. Pay attention... with nothing, but in the face. I think it's answered. It is answered.
CB: So you are a man with chest hair.
DM: Nooo. No, no. Also because God has not blessed me with (chest hair.)
CB: They were sewn off on a stormy day.
DM: Exactly. It was all off. I don’t have chest hair.
RA: You were always well behaved or you have deserved a "tau-tau" (a spanking)?
DM: I've already earned a tau-tau and they gave me it. We, when we deserve them, things happen. Both for good and for bad.
RA: You like more to give or to receive the spanking?
DM: I think I was born to give. Not a "tau-tau." To give in general. By chance I am a person who gives. And that’s it. I’m already lost in this conversation.
CB: I bet at Christmas. You must be a big spender.
DM: Ahh. Who ever thinks that I must be a big spender to have to give doesn't know me. Crazy... Crazy... (laughs.)
IL: How many women have you kissed on TV, who you then kissed in real life?
DM: Oh Iva, for God's sake... I have no idea. Oh, wait, that afterwards I kissed in real life? But you want a number? That's it?
HOSTS: A number, more or less.
DM: Yes, it has happened to me a few times. But very few.The long time spent filming with a person, may have influenced knowing that person more, or to feel attracted to her. But this is due to the fact that you are spend long times with that person. Days, weeks. But maybe it has happened with you and you don’t want to tell ...
DM: Hmm ... that smile... Look at that smile...
CB: By the way, our dressing room is an open door.
DM: (to the camera) "Our dressing room is an open door."  You see what I mean?
IL: Calm down. Don't bury us more.
DM: It happens without me saying anything. You do all that on your own.
QUESTION: How do you dance when no one is watching?
DM: I dance at home for me.  Pay attention....  The sexiest dance of summer. Do you want to see? Are you prepared? This is it. (And he dances.)
CP: You were the first man in someone's life?
DM: Hmm, look.... it’s possible. It’s possible, it’s possible.
RA: Imagine you are doing pretty good. You are doing well, and very happy ...
DM: (interrupting) But that's gonna be the conversation? We don’t speak of the World's problems ...
CB: Take it easy ... No one told you that you'd be a Miss, did they?
DM: That was very good.
RA: We'll talk about algebra, foreign policy and other things, but now let's talk about the opposite. Imagine you are in these feel-good, in those moments, making love. What has caused you to laugh during the act of love?
DM: (laughs and hides the face) OMG, I don’t believe it ... I don't think I have ever, ever been prepared to answer that question. (but decides, with courage) However, I will do it! It was a "track" (Portuguese word for fart, LOL.)
DM: And the question that was thought, is "will he answer?"  And he did it!!! It was short and simple. It is answered. Next question.
IL: What was the most indecent proposal that a fan has made to you?
DM: More indecent proposal? "Give me a son"! I think it's highly indecent, because it isn’t practical. It takes a long shot.
IL: That's it, isn't it?
DM: Of course.
CP: The next day, who should call, Diogo?
DM: Whoever wakes up first.
CP: Okay, good answer.
CB: So there's none of that "let's see if he calls."
DM: No, I have no patience for it. I tell you one thing, all those kind of things like that, I have no patience for. This kind of talk causes me much confusion. People have to be practical. If you like, like. If you don’t like, don’t like. There are so many boring things you could avoid and so much that you can enjoy much more if there is no "blah, blah," "you didn’t call me, you should have called me." I have no patience,  never had patience, will never have patience for that sort of thing. I prefer messages. Even if a person makes their own interpretation.
CB: What has a fan promised to give you, and never gave you?
DM: A trip. They promised me a trip, "I'll buy you a trip for you to come here."
RA: A man can complain about a woman’s cellulite?
DM: He can, he can. He who has a mouth, can speak. I think so. But he shouldn’t.  He can, can, especially if you want to end the relationship with the person.
CB: Can be like "Honey, let's improve ..."
DM: This is how, a man who is a man, and who is aware of the female creature, can’t think that any phrase that includes the word "cellulite" can be constructive for women ... You can’t! Can’t! Unless "You don't even have cellulite" (laughs) or "You are one of the few women who doesn’t have any cellulite."
RA: But there may be no answer, because it can be "do you look at me and think of cellulite?"
DM: It’s done. Not a chance. It’s a war that there is no way to win. (Looking at the camera) Guys, you can’t win. It is better not to talk, okay? Don’t talk about anything. It's going to get messed up.
RA: And the question "Honey, do you think I have cellulite?"
DM: "Let me see. You have nothing."
CB: If a person while talking to you, hits you with their spit, what do you do?
DM: I, for some time, could handle it. Could take it, and then just secretly wiped my face. Today not any more. Today I say "it's raining, turn away, today's drizzle is here, huh?" That’s it, and then it goes something like "But what? I spit on you?” (laughs) "No, I had no idea..."
CP: You are at a lunch and you see a dead cockroach in your salad. What do you do?
DM: Yeah man ... I get up and say I tried to be patient but I have to go.
RA: There is a tract (fart) in the elevator. Imagine. And the fault is yours and you are with your son in the elevator and other people. Would you blame your son?
DM: No, you know why? Because my son is going to be the first to blame me (laughs). My son is going to say "Did you "pum" ("toot") Dad? Of course he would never say that to anyone else, because the elevator is full. But then I have a safeguard. I could say "I didn’t do it, son." So, automatically I and my son are protected from the possibility of having given a "pum."
CB: What was the most expensive item you have bought?
DM: It may have been a watch. But it was only one and done!
CP: It's about money.
DM: It is. I’m very organized with my bills. Some people call me "obsessed." But I call myself organized. What's more, working in this environment, if you don’t think a little, and have no organization, it is easy to get scattered.
CP: What feminine attribute would you like to have?
DM: I think there's a good and bad side in the fascination of being a woman. You enjoy a lot about being women. You all enjoy it with regards to getting made up, making yourselves up. Your ability to transform is fascinating. On the other hand, I have no patience for that. I have no patience. So there is an artistic fascination inside of me, but that would never be enough to take your place.
RA: You use your phone a lot?
DM: A lot, yes.
RA: Sometimes you are away, and such.... Phone sex? Have you done it?
DM: No! No!
HOSTS: Direct and short.
DM: No! To do it poor, it’s better not to do it. (laughs). Even I if could see the emails and ... it just can’t be.
IL: A woman can also pay the bill of a Motel?
DM: Of course she can. So if you don’t have the wallet ... Yes, if you don’t have your wallet, it must be she who pays it. I’m sincere, in regards to women's rights. I’m even more radical. There is talk of women's rights and equality, but then in an emergency situation, "save the women and children first." It can’t be. "Save the Children" is fine. As for women, "we will draw straws." Why women? Because of the reproductive situation? Don’t play with me. Life is life. Life is now. If a man dies, there's also no more reproduction. Right?
RA: I like the idea "women and children."
DM: That's just an excuse to send women first.
CB: I don’t want to go boating with you (laughs.)
CP: What was the weirdest place where you've made love?
DM: Weird? Hmmm ... Anything that involves public areas, it is even considered a crime, isn’t it?
CB: Have you committed a crime?
IL: You're not an outlaw. You do everything by the law.
DM: I, I ...I fulfill everything to the letter...
RA: What is the most tacky song you usually sing?
DM: What is that song "I made dinner" (and he tries to sing the song). At home everyone knows it and you all here, don't. You are very classical ... (to the camera) They do not listen to "tacky" music... No ...
CP: We listen to Beethoven, Mozart ... (laughs)
IL: Did you ever take a picture of yourself (selfie), to try to impress someone?
DM: No! Of me? Of myself? No!
IL: And yourself? To see yourself?
DM: (shrugs and smiles) I take a selfie and hope to impress, but it isn’t like "oh let me try to impress here."
CP: Why do men squeeze the tube of toothpaste in the middle?
DM: Because is closer to the end. Only trouble to come down here and push it to the top ...
RA: I know. You think it's a woman's thing ...
DM: I think it takes to much work. It’s more practical, squeeze in between. I, sometimes, not even in the middle. It’s the tip. The toothpaste is all down here, and I, stubbornly, grip on top to see if something comes out. It’s much closer to the end...
RA: Do you know that the toilet lid is meant to be closed? You know that?
DM: I know.
CB: And you do that?
DM: I do. Sometimes even I do worse. I pee sitting. (laughs) Seriously. I’m not of those who are afraid to say it, okay? Are you laughing? There are many men out there that do it sitting, but don’t say it. No ... No ... "A man has to pee standing up" No! One has to assume things. Good and bad ... I assume!
RA: What question do you fear that we have to ask you?
DM: None. After the one about "tract" (farting) causing me to laugh ... That question was so hard... After that, nothing scares me.
RA: “Um por todas” comes to an end with you, Diogo Morgado.
(Diogo sighs of relief)
HOSTS: (clapping) Thank you.
DM: I tell you one thing. This was the most painful thing I've ever done in my life.
RA: From now on we will rain down invitations for him to travel.
DM: If this had not been done with you all, I would have left soon after the second question.
CP: And you came. Ran away from us ...
DM: No, that was just a joke.
CB: But look for a moment I was afraid.
DM: Were you?
CB: Yeah, when you started taking the microphone off... I thought "hmm here we go."
DM: Can I look back now? Thank you, thank you. (with a happy face) It was really cool. (immediately afterwards with an "angry" face) You're crazy!
(He exits and then re-enters.)
DM: This was silly... It was silly.

As always, ANOTHER HUGE THANK YOU to Dina for sending us this amazing interview and translation!  Obrigada Dina!


  1. What a fun interview! They certainly know how to get the answers out of him in Portugal! Loved it!! -- Nelda

  2. Confusing. Did he mean his character lost his virginity on TV or he lost it live on TV? I see Diogo's interviews in America then in Portugal, he portrays himself in a different demeanor. Maybe he feels more open in his native country. He is an interesting actor. I look forward to seeing him in Love finds you in Valentine. May God lead your way Diogo.
