Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Diogo on "Despierta America"

Diogo stopped by Univision's morning show, "Despierta America" to discuss the "Son of God" DVD and Blu-Ray, which is available NOW, so get your copy now if you haven't already.   Translation of this wonderful interview is now posted below the video, courtesy of our tri-lingual super-heroine, Dina.

Diogo on Despierta America

Host: Today coming to visit us is an actor of Portuguese origin, Diogo Morgado, who, in a masterful way, played Jesus in this super production that comes out today on DVD and Blu-Ray. So give a good day to Diogo. Welcome...
DM: Thank you. Thank you very much. What I like about being here in Miami... there's an energy ... I like it a lot. 
Host: You like it? And I'm delighted you're here, talking to us in Spanish... 
DM: Trying, trying... 
Host: No, you speak very well. And if you need help, we will help. 
DM: I have to change the [brain] "chip.
 Not Portuguese, not English, it's Spanish. Portunhol, I say it's Portunhol (Portuguese mixed with Espanol), but if you understand, okay. 
Host: Welcome to our home. Well, Son of God is a story of love and passion, which shows the more human face of Jesus and his strength, especially in the most difficult scenes. What does it mean to you to play Jesus?  What did you feel? .
DM: I can tell you that it felt like my purpose in life. Because I grew up with Jesus, with the Bible, in Portugal. So, to have the opportunity and the honor and privilege to make a story that is, for me, the most beautiful story that has ever been told, is surely something that changed my life and showed me the way. When I was on the cross, I can tell you that there was a time when I was completely crushed, because I felt that everything I had lived until that moment, was for that purpose. It's hard for me to describe because it is something so tremendous, it is difficult to talk about. 
Host: I get goosebumps seeing these beautiful images. How does one prepare to play a character like this? For a role like this? 
DM: For me the hardest part was trying to get to everyone. Because Jesus is not a character. Jesus is something who is alive for millions of people worldwide. So I could not do it for me or how I think it would have been. Would have to do a message of love for everyone, all ages, all nationalities ... That was for me the hardest. Jesus was the Son of God, but was in this world as a human. So my goal was to be as close as possible to Jesus and show people who feel touched in some way, that maybe it is a lot easier than you think, to spread the love. We live in a very selfish time, I think. 
Host: I understand you. I totally agree with you. You say that playing this role has changed your life. How has it changed? 
DM: I used to think that only a group of people could change things. Today I am sure that sometimes just one person with a will, the will to smile, to spread love, makes a small difference. I didn't used to think that way. That changed in me. The concept of reality and how we affect everything around us has changed indeed.
Host: I'm delighted that you think so, because I am of the same opinion. We do not realize the incredible impact that a person's smile may have. 
DM: Amazing, exactly. 
Host: Now let's change the subject, because beyond the movie, you have some fans who adore you ... love you ... a lot of girls say you are the sexiest thing that has appeared around here lately. 
DM: I don't know what you're talking about, don't know what you're talking about. 
Host: Do you consider yourself sexy? 
DM: No, of course not. If you had seen me 2 hours ago when I woke up ... you wouldn't say I'm sexy. 
Host: I think you are. The fans can start giving their opinion on social networks. Write to us. I would like for you to invite people to go buy the DVD of this movie, because I think it's a movie that we have to have at home, that reaffirms the power of faith, the power of love and the power to smile at life in the face of adversity.  
DM:Yes, what I can tell you is that if there is something in you that cares about the world, and if you give importance to what today we leave as a legacy for our children, and the message of love is important to you, why not get the DVD of Son of God and also give it as a gift. 
DM: A great gift. I want to thank you, Diogo. It was a pleasure talking to you. I am delighted to breathe a breath of your peace. You're a fascinating man with your inner peace. Best wishes.
DM: Thank you so so much.
Host: Don't forget that out today, on DVD, the film Son of God, a wonderful gift to see with the family. And now we'll follow up with our girls. What opinion do our girls have about Diogo?
DM: No, no...
(After the interview, Diogo goes backstage to take a "selfie" with the male hosts of the show.)
Male Host: Diogo welcome to our home. 
DM: Thank you. Thank you very much. It is a pleasure to be here. 
Male Host: I speak Portuguese, very Brazilian...
DM: Ahh you speak Portuguese ... We are brothers 
Other Host: I don't speak Portuguese, maybe someday, but for now I don't speak it. However do you speak a little "soccer." 
DM: Indeed, speak a little bit.
Other Host: Good luck to Portugal (in the World Cup.) 
DM: Let's see, let's see. 
Other Host: Look, here we are 3 amigos and we have a ritual that is very easy. I say "we are 4 amigos" because now we're 4, isn't it? Then do (and they do the classic move from the movie, "The Three Amigos" to show Diogo how to do it.)
DM: Okay...
Host: No. Let's do it more subtle, more subtle. We are 4 Amigos... (and they all do the "move.")
DM: I was the one who made ​​the stronger hip movement.
Host: I told you it had to be subtle, dude. 
And all they all take a couple of pictures....



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