Monday, February 10, 2014

"Son of God" soundbites with Diogo

The website "Trailer Addict" posted a few clips or "soundbites" from an EPK (Electronic Press Kit) Diogo did for "Son of God."  Click the play button on the video below to see these short but sweet clips, which are in English.  

(video courtesy of Trailer Addict)

I especially love what he says about "Jesus" and the children.  Cannot wait to see Diogo in "Son of God" on the big screen!  Is it February 28th yet?  :)



  1. Oh, WOW! I got goose bumps when Diogo said, "...change the world..." in the last segment, as he also said in his portrayal of Jesus when he said to Peter when they went fishing "...change the world..." Did anyone else catch that? I'm not kidding, that just took my breathe away for a second! WOW!

  2. It is sooo nice to hear Diogo speak English once again. He must be coming to the States soon for the premier. Hope we get to see some more interviews, especially to find out what he's up to in the near future. Can't wait to see him on the big Screen!

  3. words cannot express how the mini series moved me Diogo is someone special that will go far in the future in new projects It would be nice if he came to England to see all his new fans will are still waiting.
