Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Diogo on "Live with Kelly and Michael"

Diogo was also on "Live with Kelly and Michael" today to talk about "Son of God."  Check out his awesome interview below in 3 segments/videos.  Seriously, I know I have said it before, but I think this interview really is my favorite.  :)

Diogo on Live with Kelly part 2

Can it please just be February 28th already?!?!?  :)



  1. My personal favorite interview too! I'm really enjoying all this US stuff!! He's doing such a great job of course! Thanks for posting these for us too!!

  2. Loved the way he "touched" the crowd as he was entering. Also my favorite part of the interview was when he told that after watching his portrayal of Christ for 5 minutes his mother said she forgot she was watching her son and thought she was watching Jesus! What a testament to Diogo's acting ability to make his own mother forget she was watching her son!!

  3. This boy is on FIRE!!!

  4. I agree with the lady, that the interview was great to see and to learn something new about him; that his mother said after five minutes she wasn't watching her son anymore. she was watching Jesus. WOW and kudos to Diogo
