Friday, March 6, 2015

Meet "The Man"

(images courtesy of The CW) 
The CW has released the above promotional images of Diogo as "The Man" in the upcoming series, "The Messengers."  How awesome are these pictures?  CANNOT wait to see this series and really meet "The Man."

Speaking of seeing the series, in case you haven't heard, "The Messengers" will now premiere on Friday, APRIL 17TH, on the CW, at 9pm ET/8pm Central.  Yes, having to wait another week to see the show is not fun, but to help us get through the wait, the CW also released a new "First Look" trailer for the series, a long with a new promo for the show they are also now running on TV during other CW shows!  But you can see both videos below. :)

(videos courtesy of The CW/Youtube) 

Here's hoping the CW continues to release more new pictures and trailers to help make the wait go by just a little faster.  To stay on top of any updates, make sure you follow/like all the official sites for "The Messengers": 
Now, hurry up April 17th!  Even though we know Diogo is more than worth any wait! :) 



  1. Just realized April 17th is my anniversary!! And I get Diogo as my gift! Haha! ............Nelda

  2. Thank you Sara :) as usual.great job, a great introduction to The Man :) So looking forward to see Diogo in The Messengers :) All the best for you, this blog, The Messengers and Diogo Morgado :) S.
