Friday, February 21, 2014

Diogo on "Un Nuevo Día"

(all photos courtesy of Telemundo Media PR)

Diogo, Mark Burnett, and Roma Downey were guests on Telemundo's "Un Nuevo Día" this morning.  You can see their interview below, followed by a translation courtesy of our amazing Dina.

Diogo on Un Nuevo Dia

Adamari López (AL): We are very happy to have with us, today, some special guests. Last year the mini-series "The Bible" became the most successful television series, which was seen by over 100 million people. And now it has been adapted into a film called "Son of God."
Francisco Cáceres (FC): Of course, we are very glad to welcome to our program famed producer Mark Burnett, also his wife Roma Downey, who is producing the film and also plays the Virgin Mary, and Diogo Morgado, Portuguese, who plays the role of Jesus Christ. Welcome. 
All: Thank you very much.
AL: Diogo, so good to have you here, again...
DM: Yes, how long is it? Almost a year?
FC: You did come to promote "The Bible."
DM: Exactly. And it was so fun ... You got me to dance ... 
AL: How was there the opportunity to take a mini-series and turn it into a movie? 
DM: When we were filming in Morocco we had a viewing every week to see the work we were doing. And during the second week, Mark and Rome said "We should be doing a movie" because the proportion is so epic and everything was going so well and so deep ... So the idea of making the film, editing and everything more, it was parallel with the series. 
FC: Mark and Roma, in your case you are very public about your faith, and this is something that is not common in Hollywood. How has the industry received the success of "The Bible," and now that you are making a movie?
(Mark answers in English.)
FC: So good, so good, but I imagine they told you not to do this. At a certain moment you said, Mark, that people called you crazy for doing a mini-series and a movie based on The Bible. And now you're having a great success- How are they receiving you? 
(Roma answers in English.)
AL: Diogo, you had the opportunity to play Jesus. And you were such a caring person, so sweet ... 
DM: Ohhh, thank you.
AL: How was it for you to interpret this character and see the acceptance that it had by the audience? 
DM: First of all, I did not interpret it as if it were a character. It was a personal, spiritual, emotional journey. I grew up in Portugal, but first let me apologize if there are any words in Spanish that do not come out so well. 
AL: On the contrary, it is we who have to thank you that you're here speaking Spanish to the audience. 
FC: We are understanding everything.
DM: Thank you. But, as I was saying, I grew up as a Christian, so the Bible was not a new thing for me. It was a very personal, very exciting journey, and it was a tremendous honor and privilege, because the last time that the whole life of Jesus was on the screen was almost 50 years ago. Because "The Passion of Christ" was based only on the last 3 days, at the crucifixion. 
FC: Let's see some of that emotion that you had when Jesus carries the cross and meets with Mary. It is a very emotional scene. We'll see. 
(They play the clip from "Son of God.")
FC: It's amazing to see all these emotions that move us ... And also what excites me so much is there a version of the film in Spanish with a great team in the dubbing. Excites me so much that you also thought of the Spanish audience. And tomorrow there will be a special, right? 
AL: Yes, Saturday we will have a special for everyone about the behind the scenes of this great movie. We want to bring it to each one of you, at noon. Do not miss it, please. 
(The hosts say thank you and goodbye.) 
AL: (to Diogo) Let's see if we get you to dance, or if today is something different....
(Diogo makes a worried face as the segment ends.)

Later in the show, Diogo joined co-host Adamari López to play a game to see which team could put a puzzle together fastest.  You can see the video below, no translation needed for this fun segment.

Diogo plays the puzzle game on Un Nuevo Dia

Diogo and Adamari were robbed!  :)  

"Son of God" opens in theaters in ONE WEEK on February 28th here in the US, and you can buy your tickets online now.



  1. I Love it ! Thank you for this awesome blog. I actually had to go to your twitter page this time because I didn't see any of your Diogo posts on my page. I noticed you had two new posts that I didn't get on my follow tweets. But thank you for all your Diogo posts 24/7. I love it.

    1. Hmmm sorry to hear Twitter wasn't acting up, sorry about that and I hope it is fixed. Thank you so very much for your kind words and support of the blog! Really appreciated! :)

  2. Great Blog. Thank you. Diogo Is Amazing.

    1. Thank you for the kind compliments and yes, Diogo is indeed amazing! :)

  3. I can't get enough of him

  4. Don't worry, you're so not the only one! :)
