Thursday, February 27, 2014

Diogo on posted a video of Diogo talking to them about playing "Jesus" in "Son of God."  In the video which can be found below, Diogo offers some candid insight into the character and movie.... from how he prepared for the role, to what he brought to his portrayal and why.

Guideposts interviews Diogo

Love his passion and respect for acting and this role!  It so showed in his brilliant portray of "Jesus," which still moves me to tears.  Can't even imagine what it will be like on the big screen... thankfully we only have one more day to wait to find out.  :)


1 comment:

  1. Sara, I saw the Son of God movie yesterday. I was sick, I had to drive 75 miles one way, but nothing could keep me from seeing this glorious example of God's love. Diogo, as always, just glowed with the love of the Lord. I was so moved that I cried throughout the movie. It was a beautiful experience!
