Thursday, June 13, 2013

Q&A: Diogo's Answers to Your Questions!

(photo courtesy of

Here are Diogo's answers to the questions you guys sent in to him for his Q&A on the blog.  He got A LOT of questions, so please remember, he simply couldn't answer every question, but we thank him so much for taking the time to do this.  Enjoy!

Mary Ann, Julie, Jenny, Tracy, and many other fans asked this most frequently asked question: "Do you have a fan mail address either in the US or Portugal? Where we can request an autographed picture?"

Diogo: I do have a fan mail address in the US....

C/o Park Noack Agency  
10866 Wilshire Blvd
Ste 400
Los Angeles, CA 90024 USA

And in Portugal -- 

Rua Gonçalo Cristóvão, nº250 
4000-265 Porto – PORTUGAL

The only problem is that if you guys send anything to a country that I'm not in at the moment, it might take a while until I get it. Probably a month in case I´m shooting.  The best way will be an email account that we´re going to do for the official website.

Jenny asked: "Do you have any plans for an official website?  Perhaps the blog could become?  Then we could have exclusive, official content?"

Diogo: We are preparing an official website already, with daily updates and content, and I'm gonna make sure that the blog receives an offer to collaborate on the website. How about that?

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)

Julie asked: "Did you improvise/ad-lib the way you said/repeated the “not one stone” line to the child at the temple scene in the Bible lol? Loved finally seeing a happy/smiling Jesus.  Was that one of the “details” you mentioned recently that you tried to put in to playing Jesus?"

Diogo: I'm so glad you're asking that Julie, and you're right. I repeated that line on purpose, but that´s not the special thing about that scene, actually that scene is even on a specific comment on the DVD behind the scenes. The special thing about that scene is the fact that it's one take, because the scene wasn't blocked like that. It was suppose to be Jesus on the top of the stairs just saying the lines, and I felt something was missing, so I secretly asked the 2nd assistant director to put a small child next to the place I was going to stop. So I did that one take taking the risk of my gut, and I'm so glad I did, because it brought back the Jesus I was searching for.

Keri Rose asked: "How do you handle/let go of stress and relax?"

Diogo: I really enjoy staying home, and I love movie therapy, I mean, I love to watch movies and it's something that always makes me enjoy and relax and have fun.

Ana asked: "Diogo gostaria de saber se vais continuar c/ os teus workshops e se vais ainda este ano remarcar o que cancelas-te em Novembro." ("Diogo I would like to know if you are still doing your workshops and if are still rebooking the one you canceled in November.")

Diogo: Aquele workshop especifico não está previsto acontecer mais. Pode ser que venha a fazer um outro diferente numa outra altura, mas para já não ha nada previsto. ("That specific workshop is not expected to happen anymore. I may be doing a different one, some other time, but there is nothing planned.")

Jennifer asked: "Any plans to return to the US anytime soon?  Will you be filming anything in the US soon that you can tell us about?"

Diogo: There are a couple of potential projects but they are in a developing stage for now.  I would love to return to the US soon, and if not to shoot, I'm sure I'm going some time soon to promote the other 2 features I did that are coming out.

Becks asked: "My question is what is the best dish that you cook? What is your favorite food? 

Diogo: I do a dish with cod fish quite appreciated and another one with mushrooms and chorizo that it´s not bad at all.  My favorite food is grilled fish.

Tracy asked: "Are you single? :)  Would you ever go on “The Bachelor” if so lol?  If not, would you ever do Dancing with the Stars?  Thank you Diogo for your time."

Diogo: I really try not to talk about my personal life. But no, I would never go on “The Bachelor”, but I would love to do Dancing with the Stars. In fact I did a show in Portugal that was kind of similar “Dança Comigo.” ;)

Mary Ann asked: "We’ve all been watching you in some older comedic things you’ve done and you are really good at comedy… do you enjoy doing comedy or do you prefer dramas?  I’d love to see you host Saturday Night Live one day! 

Diogo: To be honest, what I really like is to keep doing both, they both have different aspects that are really fulfilling. The intensity of drama is really appealing to me, and I´m not gonna hide that it is where I feel more comfortable, but there´s something about comedy and the ability of making people laugh that I think is amazing.

Renee asked: "What do you like to do to relax at the end of the day?"

Diogo: I like to take my shoes off, make myself comfortable, watch a bit of TV and have a really nice meal.   

Lacy asked: "If you had the chance to play any role in the future, what would it be (it may not be a specific person, but maybe a character/genre in general)?"

Diogo: I never explored the addiction world, never had a chance to play a character with some kind of addiction, drugs, gambling, adrenaline, whatever. I feel that that's missing, and it´s something that I would be fascinated to explore, to dig in and see, why it´s so hard for people to quit, and how that affects deeply those surrounding you.

Tatyannah asked: "Will you do any more films in America?" 

Diogo: I really hope so ;) Two are coming out this year, and there´s some future projects aligning. 

Nicole asked: "Are you married, taken, or single Would you ever date an American if you are available??" 

Diogo: I´m happy J

Jean asked: "If you were not an actor, what would you be doing to make a living.  What would your pursuit be?"

Diogo: At this point, if I would make a decision of not being an actor anymore, probably I would be pursuing directing. Storytelling is my passion now.

Renee asked: "What do you enjoy cooking? Any favorites?"

Diogo: I have a couple of cards up my sleeve. I like to make a dish with cod fish. In Portugal we have tons of ways of doing cod fish.

Nicole W. asked: "Will you be getting an official website anytime soon?  I think the blog would be a great official site because we’d love to have more events like this Q&A with you on a website or here on the blog since Twitter can be annoying LOL."

Diogo: Sure, I´m so glad you say that. We are preparing a website, and I'm planning with the help and support of the blog, to keep giving back, all the support you guys give to me.

Tim asked: "Last book you read?  Last movie you saw?"

Diogo: Last book was “Brando: Songs my mother told me”, and the last movie was the amazing “The Sessions” which I loved.

Tracy asked: "would you consider playing Christian Grey in 50 Shades of Grey lol?  Or I have read they may be doing another miniseries about Jesus.  Would you even want to play Jesus again?"

Diogo: Interesting that it's not the first time people ask me about doing Christian Grey, and the answer is, of course I would consider, it's a strong and complex role.  About another miniseries with Jesus I'm not aware of anything like that for now. But I must confess that I don’t discard the chance of playing Jesus Christ again.

Julie C. asked: "A lot of us of saw the trailer for your short film you wrote and directed “Break” on the blog and were very intrigued and impressed.  Can you give us an update on the status of that?  Is it completed?  Will you complete if not.  Can we see it anywhere soon?"

Diogo: Sure, it´s not a secret that my plan for the future is to direct. Actually the first time I went to Los Angeles, it was not to try to work as an actor, but to study filmmaking which I did. “Break” is actually my first short film, the only reason it's not out yet is because we are color correcting and putting English subtitles, so some time soon it will be out and I hope you all enjoy.

Jenni asked: "Where is the background picture on your Twitter page from?  The one with the hat covering your face?  Not sure if I should but I find it “ironic.” :)  I love your quote on your Twitter profile btw!"  

Diogo: Actually I changed that Picture, but there's something about the hidden exposure that I like, that's why I like that picture. I find very dragging everything that is hidden but in the spotlight at the same time.

Eva asked: "Do you still run your own Facebook and Twitter pages or does someone do them for you now that you are so busy?

Diogo: Yes it´s me that runs both pages, that´s why every time I´m busy they stay kind of stuck. lol

Domique asked: "If you could have a super power, which one would you chose and why?

Diogo: I would loooooooveee to have the power of teleport, cause I hate the time we spend traveling to or from places, and I have a secret crush for the invisibility power, the best way to know and study people.

Eve asked: "Are you single?  I read that you were in the NY post I think but then I read other places that you were in a relationship."

Diogo: I understand the curiosity, but what I can assure you guys is that I'm happy.

Maria Gagliardo asked: "If you had not pursued a career in acting, what profession do you think you would be in today?"

Diogo: Probably architecture, there's something about reading the environment and the client and presenting something functional and at the same time in full harmony with the surroundings that I think is fascinating, so probably architect.

Brenda asked: "With the upcoming release of a movie version of the Bible this fall, do you think you and some of the cast would possibly return to do a USA tour/promotion of the film? I absolutely loved the Bible miniseries this past spring. Your portrayal of Jesus was exceptional and so inspirational. The whole series was beautifully produced, cast and filmed." 

Diogo: First of all thank you for your kind words Brenda, and second, yes I assume that returning to the US to promote the movie would not be a surprise to me. It all depends on availability I guess.

Tim asked: "Any updates on where “Born to Race” or "Red Butterfly" will be released?"

Diogo: Not exactly. I have the information that “Born to Race – Fast Track” will be released in September, and Red Butterfly in August.

Thanks to all who sent in questions.  And a HUGE thank you/obrigada to Diogo again and again for doing this Q&A for us.  We know how busy you are right now, so we truly appreciate your taking this time to let us get to know you better!


PS: If you decide to post any/all of this Q&A anywhere else, please credit/link back here to the blog at wherever you repost.  Thank you.


  1. GREAT Q&A!! Glad to read he is up for working in the US still after reading recent interviews. Excited to read he is getting an official website, though it will be hard to top this blog LOL, so I hope he does ask you to colloborate and you say yes, Sara. :)

    He is such an amazing actor but an even more amazing person to do something like this for his fans. I hope he knows how much we appreciate it and you too Sara!

  2. I do appreciate Diogo doing the Q&A, but I still don't get the need for some evasive answers. It is a simple yes or no question, you make it worse but not answering imo LOL. I am glad he is happy though. He is a great guy who deserves nothing less. And I look forward to seeing what his next US projects may be. Thanks Sara and I too hope the blog is somehow involved with his future website or at least keeps going after it.

    1. With all due respect Carrie, I completely disagree. I think it might be extremely important to any public figure to feel that they have the freedom and the right not to answer any direct questions on their private life, and that they are capable of keeping, at least, a little part of their private lives just for themselves. Even if they don’t have anything to hide, it’s a right of every human being to keep part of themselves just to themselves. If an unknown person like me makes sure she keeps personal stuff even from close ones, why wouldn’t an actor enjoy having the freedom of being as private and evasive as possible.

      There are serious public figures, the ones that truly have something valuable to offer, and, then, there are the Kim Kardashians of this world and uninteresting artists who use their private life to seek attention.

      I remember seeing a Penelope Crux interview on Letterman where he asked her if she was engaged. She got a bit annoyed and told him, “you already asked me that before and you already know I will not answer private questions.” And he kept insisting! I couldn’t stand Letterman after that.

    2. It´s hard for people outside Portugal, outside our culture, outside our way of living to get it Lou... We live in a nother reality. The one in wich we can still choose what to do, what to reveal of our lives... Are we late in time? Maybe. But I'm thankfull we are, at least in that matter. So we can keep our identity and private life safe!

    3. It's true Lili. But I have seen actors in the States not answering private questions too. An example... Ryan Gosling when asked if he was dating Eva Mendes. He refuses to answer the question.

    4. Talking about Gosling, I'd love to see Diogo playing a drug addict. That would be something completely different from what he has done so far. He would be great. I prefer to see him in drama roles. I say "talking about Gosling" because Gosling's druggie in "Half Nelson" was very engaging. One of my favorite movies.

    5. Ladies, I am in complete agreement with you both - celebrities' private lives are not our business, any more than anyone else's private lives are our business. Diogo has shown tremendous grace and class in fielding these questions.

  3. Lou, with respect, I agree to disagree. : )

  4. I truly enjoyed reading this and learned so much. And I'm shocked he answered my question! A HUGE thank you to Diogo for being so cool and generous with his time, and to you Sara for putting this all together for us. It really means a lot. What a great way to start a Friday! =)


  6. Can Darwin Shaw do a Q&A for us too? :)

    1. I adore Darwin and love knowing more about him too, but a Q&A with him is not my call. :) He is a busy guy too we have to remember.

    2. You're right. I just wish there more celebrities like Darwin and Diogo here in America. I feel as though Darwin and Diogo are much more down to earth and easier to look up to as role models.

    3. Actually Darwin just said on Twitter he would love to do a Q&A for us here. :) So give me a couple of days to deal with some real life stuff, and I will set that up. But if you want to send your questions in for him before then, please just e-mail them to me at whenever.

      And I completely agree with you about how down to Earth Darwin and Diogo are. Looking forward to the Q&A with Darwin myself! Thanks, Sara.

  7. Hello Sarah! Fantastic Q & A with Diogo Morgado. He is such a wonderful person indeed. I love the way he express his appreciation to us his fans. I'm glad on the part where he said, His not going to do the bachelor and he is not discarding playing Jesus Christ again. :-)

    Sarah you've done a great job in putting up this blogsite... :-)

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words. The Q&A was all Diogo's doing, and like all of us, I am truly grateful for his time in doing this. He is the best. Next, we'll be doing a Q&A with Darwin Shaw, which I think is also so cool! They are great, unique guys for sure! :)

  8. I agree that actors, including Diogo, are entitled to private lives. With respect, that is not a Portuguese thing, it is a common sense/respect thing. But even Diogo says he understands the curiosity, so I think it is a fair question and unfair to judge those who asked it. Clearly more than one person asked it even. And yes, Diogo has every right to not answer or answer as he did. I don't think anyone is denying that. My issue is, the seeming waffling or "altering" answer on his behalf. In his DM chat, someone asked if he was married. He CHOSE to answer that question and said then "No I'm not." Fine, answer given. Then in interviews posted here, the press or even himself he refers to his "wife." And we've even had "Anonymous" posters come here JUST to post/point out that he said "wife." So I think it is that glaring difference between his OWN previous answer on his OWN chat and then hearing/reading references to his "wife" that led people to ask him if he was single or not. Meaning, I think they were seeking clarification, not being as disrespectful as some took it. And again, Diogo has every right to answer the way he did... but by not clarifying that discrepancy caused by his previous answer to the SAME question, it is understandable why some fans are still curious if not confused by his "non" answer. Just my honest opinion. I think EVERY fan of Diogo just wants him to be happy, the specifics are meaningless. But just as some people said he was 32 some said 33 and fans HAD to know which was right, I think the same was true here. Most Americans too are respectful of actors right to privacy. We are not all TMZ. Seeking a clarification doesn't make you a disrespectful fan. Diogo chose not to clarify, everyone seems to be respecting that and is glad he is happy. But that doesn't mean others who seek clarification in the future. I just don't think it's fair to judge them for doing so.

  9. I just want to say "Thank you, Diogo for taking time out of your busy life/schedule to answer our questions!! I know you were not able to answer all of them but would have LOVED to have gotten 1 of mine answered. :( Oh well..hopefully next time..;) and I totally respect your answers and right to keep private what you choose to keep private!! I feel just because one is in the public eye and celebrity does NOT dubb us the right to know every aspect of that person's life!!! God bless and keep being YOU!!!!
    Thanks, Sara again for this wonderful Blog!!!! :)
