Monday, June 3, 2013

Darwin Shaw talks about working with Diogo

(photo courtesy of Caras)

Wanted to share an awesome interview I just recently discovered of Darwin Shaw with "The Better Show" from April, where he talks about many things, including working with Diogo on "The Bible," and they also show a clip of Diogo talking about working with Darwin as well.  

(video courtesy of Better/YouTube)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)

I said it when I first saw "The Bible," and I say it even more emphatically now... the respect and chemistry Diogo and Darwin exemplified as "Jesus" and "Peter" to make the relationship of Jesus and his "Rock" so human and relatable is perhaps the main reason "The Bible" touched me so deeply.  We should all be so lucky to have a friendship like that.

And just in case you missed it, check out perhaps my favorite interview Diogo and Darwin did together, along with Roma, for "Good Day LA":


  1. Darwin is really a good friend to Diogo,Their friendship is just awesome.It's really hard to see this kind of friendship ,most specially when your in showbiz.Keep it strong Darwin and Diogo :)

  2. I love this picture of Darwin and Diogo,I hope to see these 2 together in the big screen or TV series again:)

  3. Their bromance and the Jesus/Peter bromance is so cute!

  4. No doubt that these two personalities meet.

    Beautiful friendship!

    And even better because their friendship has united many of us virtually. This is very special.

