Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Darwin's doing a Q&A on the Blog!

(photo courtesy of IMDb)

So the ever awesome Darwin Shaw has graciously agreed to do a Q&A for us here on the blog!  How cool is he?

Those of you who participated in Diogo's Q&A here on the blog already know the drill, but for those of you who didn't/don't know, here's how it works... I have compiled all the questions received and sent them on to Darwin.  He will answer as many as he can, when he can and send his answers back to me when his schedule allows... then I will post his answers here on the blog on his behalf.  So it's kind of like a live chat on Twitter, but Darwin can answer as his schedule/time allows, and we don't have the annoying 140 character limit. J

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)
I know you all know this already, and this is me, Sara, speaking here... Darwin is a great guy and is amazing for taking the time to do this for us, but please keep in mind, with his busy schedule it's just simply not possible for him to answer every question. But we will all get to know him better through this special opportunity, and that is what is so exciting.

One final request from me please.. because we are the best fans ever, hee, please let's give Darwin as much time he needs in answering the questions.  I will keep you posted as best I can, but please let's be patient and not bother him on Twitter or Facebook about getting his answers.... I will do my best to keep you posted, but as I always say, patience is the best gift a true fan can give.  J  Seriously, thank you for your understanding. 

And thank YOU, Darwin, most of all!  We truly appreciate your doing this for us!




  1. such wonderful news! thank you for coordinating it :-)

    1. My pleasure. I'm a huge fan of Darwin's. :)
